Bill Burr: Why Do I Do This? (2008)

Watched 20130902 (Netflix, Instant) (Streaming until 20130912)
Bill Burr: Why Do I Do This? (2008) Shannon Hartman. 55 min

comedy special Bill Burr: Why Do I Do This?
Bill Burr

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Bill Burr: Why Do I Do This? (
Bill Burr: Why Do I Do This? (

comedy special Bill Burr: Why Do I Do This?

Bill Burr has funny material and his style feels down to Earth. It feels like he's just having a conversation with you and always talking. Of course, sometimes he's just adding filler with a phrase like "You know?"

For a comedy special that's only fifty-five minutes long, it's worth checking out.

comedy special Bill Burr: Why Do I Do This?


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