I watched the first and second episode at a friend's house. It was my first time ever watching Rick and Morty.
I watched the first episode.
I watched episodes 2 to 8. While I found the show humorous and well-written, for some reason I couldn't continue watching.
However, about an hour later, instead of choosing a movie or another show to watch, I decided to finish the season.
20170514: Morning
I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I started watching season 2. I saw episodes 1 and 2.
Remark: I'll be watching the uncensored versions (language is not bleeped out). I first watched a YouTube video with all the uncensored parts from the first season.
20170514 (Evening): S2E03, S2E04
20170515: S2E05 with Ada
20170516: S2E06, S2E07
20170518 (AM): S2E08
20170518 Comment:
I remember my friend talking about people having theories on the show and I was going to read some but decided to first write my own theory. Having seen each episode only once, I don't really know many details, but I would say that the show is just a television show.* This is because of the way Rick sometimes breaks the fourth wall and has his catch phrases (e.g., the end of Season 1). It would also explain why the story wouldn't necessarily be consistent.
*20230310: Knowing myself, I would interpret this to mean that at some point a director says cut and all the characters turn out to be just actors. See also my comment from 20170518.
Today I finished season 2 (S2E09 and S2E10). The ending of season 2 certainly falls into my theory of the show just being a television show (unless that's just the way the writers want to end their seasons).
20170731: S3E02 with my coworkers.
20170807: S3E01
20170904: S3E03, S3E04, S3E05 with my coworkers
Date Unknown: S3E06
20171116: S3E07, S3E08, S3E09, S3E10
After finishing the last episode of Season 5, I started watching the first episode of Season 6 on Adult Swim. Unfortunately, about halfway through, there was a commercial break and the video stream paused while the audio stream continued. I was on the road, so it was likely due to a bad connection. Furthermore, I later forgot to finish the episode and all of the first half of Season 6 was expiring by the end of the day. I noticed that the second half of Season 6 is current available until 20230315.
0=Watched once before at my friend Michael's place, 1=20170511
1: Haha. It'll be like Inception except it'll make sense.
1: Hahahaha. "You think you can control me with a haircut?" (I assume Snowball meant castration)
1: Ha. Human testicles.
1: "It's like Old Yeller." "Aw. You mean cause it had dogs."
0=Watched once before at my friend Michael's place, 1=20170512
1: Hahahahaha. "...I watch them. Sometimes from a chair, sometimes from a closet. Almost always dressed as Superman."
1: Hmm... I knew they were trying to get the formula still (when Morty is pouring the ingredients in) but I don't think Rick got tricked. The aliens prematurely stopped the simulation before seeing if the combination of ingredients worked.
1: Anyone smart enough would figure at least one of two things (and I assumed Morty was smart enough). First, if the aliens already had the concentrated dark matter formula, then they would have been able to catch up, so using concentrated dark matter to attempt to escape would be a futile effort. Second, the best assumption is to assume they are still in a simulation, and first test it with a fake formula. From the point of view of the aliens, they cannot verify the authenticity of the formula on the fly, and yet after using the fake formula, the aliens would have to simulate that it works. Or, as in the episode, stop the simulation.
1: With all that being said, the simulation of Morty was advanced.
1: Ghostbusters
1: Ha. Morty's bargain. "Every tenth."
1: Hahaha. Infinite universes. And the Rick and Morty we're following left their universe and entered one where versions of them saved the universe but die.
1: "Ball Fondlers"
1: Great season finale.
1: Ha, the options.
1: When Fart sang, I could hear Jermaine Clement's voice
1: Hahaha. Hahahaha. Takes home a Jerry that might not be his
1: Uh... what? [The Wikipedia explains the appearance of Mr. Poopybutthole by saying it is a different pair of Rick and Morty]
1: According to Reddit, "They're gonna use this as an excuse to take away our freedom."
1: Hahaha. "Oh yeah. Good thing I saw that note."
1: How did his voice reach the restroom?
1: "Perpendicular... perpendicular!"
1: "Pickle Rick!"
1: Lol. Parkour.
1: Hehe. Patches himself with a pickle slice.
1: Coughs. "Jesus Christ. That therapist."
1: "That Morty, is why you don't go to therapy."
1: Hehe. I questioned the part about kids and then Rick brought it up as well.
1: Turns out it's "Vindicator 3" and not "Vindicators 2"
1: "I am back to one million ants."
1: Saw.
1: Israel.
1: Wow. Morty really knows Rick well.
1: Ha. 5 minutes for 5 shots, yet...
1: "Who the fuck is Noob Noob."
1: The brother shoots his sister. (second time)
1: 90-minute cut of Avatar
"You can't keep the drones."
*Today (20171116) I started watching this episode and realized I already saw it.
1: Simple Rick's.
1: Are these four Morty's going on an adventure suppose to be a parody of Stand By Me?
1: Interesting shoot-out.
1: This whole thing is a bit like Sin City or Pulp Fiction.
1: Holy crap. The new Simple Rick's.
1: While the episode was interesting, I'm more interested in where it will go.
1: Breaks the fourth wall. Rick tells us that the episode is about "Morty's Mindblowers" instead of "Interdimensional Cable."
1: Seems like a version of Rear Window.
1: Ha. "Only in the literal sense."
Morty's Menagerie
1: "They don't all have titles though, it's not like a Simpsons Halloween special."
1: Ha. Editing.
The Whole Enchilada
Poop Aids _ copy (Rick says "Poop Aids Underscore Copy")
Morty figures out that they're color-coded
1: Begins series of untitled
1: References Star Wars. Cutting open an animal to get inside.
1: Men in Black II and not Men in Black.
Untitled (I'll keep looking for clues)
1: Wow. Summer saves the day (and implied it's not the first time).
1: Summer says under her breath, "No wonder you're constantly fighting with each other and behind schedule." I don't entirely understand what she means though. [I found a reddit post (https://www.reddit.com/r/rick_and_morty/comments/70v5ak/no_wonder_youre_constantly_fighting_with_each/) where I found a satisfactory set of answers: Summer's last line is a reference to the writers constantly fighting with each other (with respect to ideas) and then fall behind schedule. The Mind Blowers room represents a room full of ideas which they may have had, but not worth developing into an episode.]
1: References E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
1: Ha. Morty knows the species and is able to greet her in her language.
1: Parent Trap
1: All those toys.
1: "I'm owning it."
1: "And that's why one pussy plus two pussies makes a bunch of pussies."
1: References Blade Runner.
1: "That's Gorgon shit. Total Gorgon shit."
1: Lol. "By the way, that wasn't time travel, there were a couple pizzas on the counter, I grabbed them."
1: Ha. Awesome messages on Jerry's message machine.
1: He treats us like Ghostbusters.
1: Minecraft.
1: "South Park did it four years ago."
1: Lol. He edited his own wiki page. "That part is true!" (pirates)
1: He didn't give her a straight answer.
1: Lol. They don't believe any of his threats.
1: "Words. Don Cheadle."
1: Maybe the other ones are clones and Beth is real.
1: "Like season 1."
1: Ha. Akira-type.
1: This episode gave some insight on the repercussions of living solely to avoid death - at an extreme
1: It's revealed in the credits scene how Morty's vision of how his live ends would have come to be
1: Hahaha. "You ruined the season 4 premiere!"
*My original notes for this episode seem to have been lost.
*My original notes for this episode seem to have been lost.
1: Ha. That was all he assembled the crew for: entry into the convention.
1: It seems unsportsmanlike to propose a target which was already been acquired. [But Rick manages to be on top of it anyways.]
1: I don't get the whole Rand-o-Tron vs Heist-o-Tron.
*My original notes for this episode seem to have been lost.
1: Hahaha. I thought he was joking about the 10-dragon bonded dragon.
1: Ha. A quick soul bond.
1: Hahaha. "There's snakes in space?" "There's literally everything in space, Morty!" He really did warn Morty already.
1: Episode 1 was Morty doesn't understand the repercussion of the death crystal. Episode 4 was Morty doesn't understand the repercussion of having a dragon. This episode was Morty doesn't understand the reprecussion of snakes i 1: Terminator.
1: Hmm. He must have been traveling hundred of miles per hour.
1: A bit of Bill and Ted. [And then the punch in the eye is explained]
1: Anthology that isn't Interdimensional Cable (breaking fourth wall)
1: The guy decided to give up.
1: Smile. Morty's story with his mom and sister.
1: "Wait is any of this canon?" "It could have been."
1: I was wondering about the Rick and Morty on the toy train. It's explained in the post-credits scene [toy commercial]
1: Pornhub account.
1: Smile. Just like Star Wars.
1: Smile. 9/11 repeat off the table, Pear Harbor repeat was okay.
1: Haha. Everyone knows about Steve and bruce.
1: Hahahahahaha. Just had to take a shit. 1=20170724
1: Seems dumb. Fake vat of acid. How do you tell the fake vat from the real vats?
1: Futurama.
1: The events of this plane crash mimic those of the 1972 Andes plane crash (on which the movie Alive is based on). 1: Oh dang. His dad... Didn't see that coming.
1: I see. So the device autoloads the save point when Morty dies.
1: HAHAHA. Prestige'd. Great twist by Rick.
1: Smile. The vat.
1: LOL. "I'm acid proof."
1: "Isn't it obvious, Morty? I fucked a planet."
1: Online college workaround.
1: Smile. Brake fluid.
1: HA! Rick told the kids he wouldn't sell them out, but he ended up selling them out.
1: Star Wars.
1: "Oh God I'm a clone."
1: "We have to go do a Star Wars."
1: Smile. I killed them offscreen.
1: If I were to guess. Neither is their real mom.
1: "Technically one is facing left and the other is facing right."
1: oh no, his time zone is gonna pass by as he is out of it.
1: lol time god
post credits
1: cold feet?
1: yes he would
1: Lol. The decoy families are aware of decoy families. In some sense, there's just a bunch of clones without knowing which is the real clone. So at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter which one family survives [I guess being a decoy with a kill code is distinctly different than being the "real" version without a kill code; but presumably otherwise the decoys are just as good]
1: I imagine other Ricks would also pretend to be fake squids.
1: Hehe. "Honestly, probably for the best."
1: Hehe. One decides to kill himself.
1: Hehe. Like puppets.
1: Hehe. The twist. But that should mean there's bound to be various decoys that thought similarly.
1: HA! The ending.
Post Credits
1: The wooden decoy Jerry
1: Captain Planet [Planetina]
1: Hehe. "He said he can't come. Okay let's go."
1: "And if you don't like it, you can suck my bigger tit. Adios, C-words."
1: Holy shit. Go Morty. "Fire!!!"
1: At least Morty didn't use the rings to control Planetina (which I could see being a valid plot)
1: I like how the wilted flowers look
Post Credits
1: Moral of the story: be careful what you do if you think the world is ending, just in case the world doesn't really end.
1: HAHAHAHA. That's too funny. "Okay, then it's your fault." - Morty to Rick (because I think often times Rick does do things just to mess with someone)
1: "Nobody knows the difference." "They're reloading the textbook trebuchet"
1: "'Crispy Cremes' with a 'C'"
1: "What was it like?" "Fantastic"
1: I saw that one coming (Sticky)
1: HA! Rick pushes the 'That was easy' button
1: They pass by someone who's driving something similar looking to a podracer
1: Smile. Doorknob.
1: Aww.
1: "Oh my God, if I die in this car I'm going to kill myself."
1: How does Rick have a huge piercing in his abdomen?
1: Hehe. Sofa wine.
1: Ha. Morty's ferret comes out of a parking structure.
1: Five GoTrons to form a GoGoTron (25 Ferrets).
1: GoGoGoTron (that's 125 Ferrets)
1: Appropriation
1: Hehe. The incest baby comes back into the picture.
1: Smile. Heh. voiceovarians.
Post Credits
1: Apparently the bugs are not bad...
1: Is that a reveal? This memory Rick comments that Beth was already dead, but that various Ricks do opt to live with their "families." [Yes. The quote: "You’re one of those creeps who moves in with abandoned adult Beths? You live with a version of our dead daughter." Reading it over, it seems that this Rick - the one that befriended Bird Person - has moved in with a Beth that is not his Beth]
1: "Don't tell them that, they won't fight right."
1: "Don't clone one of the two and send one off into space."
1: Oh, I don't recall that Rick learned Birdperson has a kid via the unconsciousness.
1: Hehe. Bring a piece of conscience to life.
1: A paradoy of Moana.
1: Is the person in the hand hole an older alternate Morty?
1: LOL. WTF (with the crows; training without training or something like that)
1: "Might have been too rank there."
1: Holy shit. Morty got his hand crushed off, executed a strange portal in a portal move (which is super weird), and cauterized his wound
1: Smile. "Rick and Two Crows" instead of "Rick and Morty"
Post Credits
1: Garbage Goober is actually a doctor
1: two crows, kind of anime style
1: different intro
1: hehe twist on old Morty
1: 26 years
1: hehe canon, episodic drama
1: Rick's origin story
1: I didn't quite get the infinite curve bit, I decided to read a summary. In theory the infinite curve only keeps universes with smart ricks. but clearly there are dumb ricks and evil mortys so kind of like Jurassic Park or Loki, try as one might to control the situation, there are anomalies that are bound to break the cycle. the idea may br cool in the moment but hopefully it doesnt break the show. for example I thought the whole final avengers movie (of phase three) with time travel was lame. the rollup was epic but the plot was not one I enjoyed 1=20230308
1: hehe. Rick references Tony Stark's recording to his helmet in Endgame
1: hehe. "Who was that for?"
1: Hehe. Not sure if this was known prior to this episode: Jerry, Rick, and Morty are not from this universe, but the two Beths and Summer are from that universe
1: Did we meet this Jerry before
1: Huh. Maybe I saw this episode ("Terrestrials, am I right?")
1: Hmm. The ghost talks about how the killer must be stuck as well.
1: HA! Jerry was forgotten [correction: Rick intentionally didn't retrieve Jerry]
1: hehe. Season 2 vibes
1: hehe. Mr. Frundles.
1: destroyed a whole family; even clone Beth was conveniently there
1: smile. Morty tries to say "Par-mees-ian"
Post Credits
1: "Evil" Rick kills "Badass" Jerry (current Morty's real dad)
1: Huh. Why do all these kids sound like Morty?
1: Hehe. This character which is Rick is trying to explain that all the players are Morty's.
1: Rick clarifies that Morty has been split up among the NPCs
1: References Die Hard
1: Rick says the guy from Die Hard (presumably Bruce Willis) hasn't seen Die Hard
1: Smile. Despite her saying she's never seen Die Hard: "walkie talkie Die Hard motherfucker"
1: I haven't seen the movie, but sounds funny: "8% of the Synder cut was Batman dreaming"
1: Smile. Gun taped to the back.
1: Apparently Rick left Marta behind; which is interesting because while numerically she probably makes up an insignificant piece of Morty, she seemed to have such a strong personality... I don't think all pieces would have carried an equal weight
Post Credits
1: A reference to Die Hard sequel.
1: The two Beths are getting along
1: hehe more real makes less asteroids makes more boring (which is a valid poke at modern games and consumers; sometimes players think they want realistic games, but fun games have a tendency to veer away from realistic)
1: hehe. first Summer then Morty
1: smile. pokes fun at Cloud's huge sword in Final Fantasy VII; in this realistic version he struggles to pick up the sword
1: Haha. "Oh... yeah... shit... I forgot I installed that"
1: Smile. A reference to MUDs
1: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
1: "Naruto"?
1: Hmm... what was the meaning of that? Rick put away the wine and destroyed the remote; to me I would guess it implies he had a hand in them falling in love with each other [from an article, perhaps with the motive of Jerry killing himself]
Post Credits
1: Jerry visits the Jerry daycare cause he wants to have an experience with another Jerry; he is refused entrance because that's a common occurrence, but he gets the opportunity outside
Haha. Jerry is pen pals with his night person.
HAHAHA. Night Jerry does the laundry.
Huh. Night Summer washing the dishes.
Hahaha. Whoa. That's intense. Night Summer
What aa trooper. Thus far she's dealing with the itchiness and drinking the supposedly shitty combination of Dayquil and Mountain Dew
Huh. Interesting. The thought of Night Summer crossing into Day Summer passed in my mind (due to the line Night Summer spoke to Rick when feeding him the food) but was fleeting. however, it doesn't quite explain why Night Summer occupying Day Summer was behaving more like Day Summer
HAHAHA. Three facilities blow up
Hehe. Rick refused to rinse the dishes
Post Credits
Hehe. "I have the device that will solve all our problems"
What!?! HAHAHAHA. "You will have sex with your mother."
Hehe. They're really picking on their dad
Huh. They're showing as if Rick notices and pities Jerry.
Hehe. Box switching.
Hahaha. Eye of thundara.
Smile. Sailor Moon sequence.
R2-D2 reference
Post Credits
Hehehe. The commercial followed by Morty's analysis of it, and the twist
Ha! Projection. "Do you?"
Chuckle. "Monkeys went bald?"
Hehe. Marvel.
"Rounding out this 'Ant-Man' character"
Pausing: Jerry clicks on a folder named "Stuff" but to the side is a PDF named "Kama Sutra for middle-aged men ebook." Inside "Stuff" is "Forgotten Stuff", "Forgotten Stuff(2)", "Delete This", and "Titanic Locations". First he clicks on "Forgotten Stuff(2)" which has "pandas_falling.mov", "snake_wearing_miniskirt.jpg", and "ugly_dog.jpg". He goes back to click on "Forgotten Stuff" where it pokes fun at documents with names "FINAL" "FINAL_FINAL" and "FINAL_FINAL_FINAL"
Hehe. He prints out the document to mail to the publisheres when he probably could have just emailed it
Why would YouTube still play ads when money doesn't matter.
Hehe. Better portal gun and they offered to close the dimensional rift.
Hahaha. "It looked so easy on 'Pro Skater 3'"
Ah. Poor Jerry. His book is deemed worthy of distributing but he's not given credit.
Hehe. So people got everything they wanted (free time, no work, no paying for things, etc.) and eventually became as unhappy as they were on the other side. Here they get it back and are happy (but surely that won't last either). Of course this is just a cartoon, but... there's undoubtedly some truth in the idea
Hehe. Rick plays chicken and convinces them to stay alive.
Smile. Three-episode arc (dinos closed the rift and Rick complains)
HAHAHA. Rick zapping Morty through portals is funny.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. "We got to make it through the opening credits."
Hehe. The fourth wall.
Hahaha. All this meta interaction is fun to watch
Hehe these different members and their names
Morty comments on why his name is "Brett Cann" when it could be "Rhett Cann" and then it's made to be so!
Hahaha. "You failed me." "No, I failed you."
Post Credits
Warning that the episode has suicide as a topic
An Iron Man like suit (and I think what we see in the opening credits)
HA! He blew up an entire planet! That was just where they were meeting... there could have been other people on the planet
"Uh, hope there weren't other people on that planet."
Hehe. Rick had to tell Morty.
Post Credits
Scarlett Johansson
Suicide hotline number
Solar War I (analogue to World War I)
Oh... also Solar Wars (as opposed to Star Wars)
hehe. "What is this, 'Vat of Acid' again?"
Hehe. they all are heroin addicts
Hahahahaha. "Morty, we're gonna make your dick so fake, buddy."
Rick mentioned three fail safes. Did their tests get rid of all three?
Haha! Telepathy resulting in "Run!"
Oh... that makes sense. He had to go far far away to get it.
Fruit Ninja
Hehe. Just like Obi-Wan.
Perfectly vertical. Didn't they do this bit already?
Ah! I sensed it! The line in the previous episode foreshadowed this but I didn't write it down.
Hehe. The red light saber (probably modeled after a sith light saber) goes rogue cause Rick pesters it (which seems out of character, but sure)
Hehe. Rick continues to be right (the president betrays Morty)
Music that is similar to the Imperial March (?)
Hehe. The president playing with the saber; note that in both cases it's one thing to drop a lightsaber vertically, but in both cases the lightsabers would have had some angular momentum as they fell to the ground, due to the trajectory from which they dropped... furthermore, the hilt is probably heavier than light portion of the saber... [an article points out that viewers say another flaw is typically a lightsaber turns off when it falls out of the users's hands]
If he was able to equip these robots with robot hands, why not just build his own lightsaber instead of stealing Morty's lightsaber
Rick says that's not all the places he could be, that's all the places he is.
Refers to Season 7
Post Credits
Mr. Poopy Butt talks about the season
hehe fading pills and the long explanation. love it
so the small difference in swapping bodies is it's equivalent to swapping consciousness. but Rick is switching minds... which is philosophically saying the mind is different from the brain. Rick says brain is a hardware. implying the mind is more like software. so Jerry was complaining about a better brain, but with the same mind what can he do?
ha! "there goes my Thursday"
haha. do you not hear the symphony of atoms dying?
"Do you not hear the symphony of atoms dying in space?"
so I had to do some reading to remember the whole Memory Rick. it is a character from season 5. it is a manifestation from Birdperson's memory of Rick which afterwards resides in Rick's mind. Apparently he was marooned in Jerry's mind during the mixup, accordinf to the post credits. It seems he managed to save them during the Jerricky incident which resulted in their successful split.
... what's the twist... what did Rick put in the spaghetti
haha. "why couldnt it just be spaghetti?"
hehe wow... a torso with an arm that stabs itself... quite the thought exercise (and as Rick mentioned early the trolley problem)
wow... what a life. I thought Rick was gonna synthesize the result but apparently he was looking to end the craze by showing the complexity of a life. that's deep
hahaha their unanimously accepting the Salisbury steak despite all the hints Rick is saying about how horrible it would be if they knew
[I didn't quite get it. Apparently they were "vomiting" dust. link]
wow. All this fighting is great choreography. Exciting action
huh... certainly not unexpected that he feels empty about the revenge but... in a way a turn from his happier or comically drubken self.
haha bully gun. actual gun
haha another gun in the glove box
hehe the reveal of open your mind meaning (psychic)
haha first taken? he replies with he saves morty seven times per season
hehe kuato with kuato
hehe kuato knife
haha 69 bit. + you have a wife?
this episode with Ice T and Morty and his teacher was interesting deviation from typical Rick and Morty. parody of star wars and perhaps other sci fi movies. oh some naming of transformers I guess
1b: resumed S7E09
1b: I feel like they could have unplugged and then plug it back in. but besides that, I don't recall why they kept going to valhalla every time they died. and why Rick said they only had one shot. seemed infinite
1b: hehe throwing cans at the Bigfoot
smile "two seasons"
hehe multiple iterations with no certainty of escape
nice... an extended life before finally cuttong out of the hole again
hehe final twist...
Rick explains its a one person ride
Rick puts Morty's picture up
Mr. Poopybutthole after credits, replaces a version of himself but his alternate wife gives him a look
I watched the first and second episode at a friend's house. It was my first time ever watching Rick and Morty.
I watched the first episode.
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S1E01 |
I watched episodes 2 to 8. While I found the show humorous and well-written, for some reason I couldn't continue watching.
However, about an hour later, instead of choosing a movie or another show to watch, I decided to finish the season.
20170514: Morning
I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep. I started watching season 2. I saw episodes 1 and 2.
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S2E01 |
Remark: I'll be watching the uncensored versions (language is not bleeped out). I first watched a YouTube video with all the uncensored parts from the first season.
20170514 (Evening): S2E03, S2E04
20170515: S2E05 with Ada
20170516: S2E06, S2E07
20170518 (AM): S2E08
20170518 Comment:
I remember my friend talking about people having theories on the show and I was going to read some but decided to first write my own theory. Having seen each episode only once, I don't really know many details, but I would say that the show is just a television show.* This is because of the way Rick sometimes breaks the fourth wall and has his catch phrases (e.g., the end of Season 1). It would also explain why the story wouldn't necessarily be consistent.
*20230310: Knowing myself, I would interpret this to mean that at some point a director says cut and all the characters turn out to be just actors. See also my comment from 20170518.
Today I finished season 2 (S2E09 and S2E10). The ending of season 2 certainly falls into my theory of the show just being a television show (unless that's just the way the writers want to end their seasons).
20170731: S3E02 with my coworkers.
20170807: S3E01
20170904: S3E03, S3E04, S3E05 with my coworkers
Date Unknown: S3E06
20171116: S3E07, S3E08, S3E09, S3E10
After finishing the last episode of Season 5, I started watching the first episode of Season 6 on Adult Swim. Unfortunately, about halfway through, there was a commercial break and the video stream paused while the audio stream continued. I was on the road, so it was likely due to a bad connection. Furthermore, I later forgot to finish the episode and all of the first half of Season 6 was expiring by the end of the day. I noticed that the second half of Season 6 is current available until 20230315.
0=Watched once before at my friend Michael's place, 1=20170511
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S1E02 |
1: Haha. It'll be like Inception except it'll make sense.
1: Hahahaha. "You think you can control me with a haircut?" (I assume Snowball meant castration)
1: Ha. Human testicles.
1: "It's like Old Yeller." "Aw. You mean cause it had dogs."
0=Watched once before at my friend Michael's place, 1=20170512
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S1E03 |
1: Hahahahaha. "...I watch them. Sometimes from a chair, sometimes from a closet. Almost always dressed as Superman."
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S1E04 |
1: Hmm... I knew they were trying to get the formula still (when Morty is pouring the ingredients in) but I don't think Rick got tricked. The aliens prematurely stopped the simulation before seeing if the combination of ingredients worked.
1: Anyone smart enough would figure at least one of two things (and I assumed Morty was smart enough). First, if the aliens already had the concentrated dark matter formula, then they would have been able to catch up, so using concentrated dark matter to attempt to escape would be a futile effort. Second, the best assumption is to assume they are still in a simulation, and first test it with a fake formula. From the point of view of the aliens, they cannot verify the authenticity of the formula on the fly, and yet after using the fake formula, the aliens would have to simulate that it works. Or, as in the episode, stop the simulation.
1: With all that being said, the simulation of Morty was advanced.
1: Ghostbusters
1: Ha. Morty's bargain. "Every tenth."
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S1E06 |
1: Hahaha. Infinite universes. And the Rick and Morty we're following left their universe and entered one where versions of them saved the universe but die.
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S1E07 |
1: "Ball Fondlers"
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S1E09 |
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S1E10 |
1: Great season finale.
1: Ha, the options.
1: When Fart sang, I could hear Jermaine Clement's voice
1: Hahaha. Hahahaha. Takes home a Jerry that might not be his
1: Uh... what? [The Wikipedia explains the appearance of Mr. Poopybutthole by saying it is a different pair of Rick and Morty]
1: According to Reddit, "They're gonna use this as an excuse to take away our freedom."
1: Hahaha. "Oh yeah. Good thing I saw that note."
1: How did his voice reach the restroom?
1: "Perpendicular... perpendicular!"
1: "Pickle Rick!"
1: Lol. Parkour.
1: Hehe. Patches himself with a pickle slice.
1: Coughs. "Jesus Christ. That therapist."
1: "That Morty, is why you don't go to therapy."
1: Hehe. I questioned the part about kids and then Rick brought it up as well.
1: Turns out it's "Vindicator 3" and not "Vindicators 2"
1: "I am back to one million ants."
1: Saw.
1: Israel.
1: Wow. Morty really knows Rick well.
1: Ha. 5 minutes for 5 shots, yet...
1: "Who the fuck is Noob Noob."
1: The brother shoots his sister. (second time)
1: 90-minute cut of Avatar
"You can't keep the drones."
*Today (20171116) I started watching this episode and realized I already saw it.
1: Simple Rick's.
1: Are these four Morty's going on an adventure suppose to be a parody of Stand By Me?
1: Interesting shoot-out.
1: This whole thing is a bit like Sin City or Pulp Fiction.
1: Holy crap. The new Simple Rick's.
1: While the episode was interesting, I'm more interested in where it will go.
1: Breaks the fourth wall. Rick tells us that the episode is about "Morty's Mindblowers" instead of "Interdimensional Cable."
1: Seems like a version of Rear Window.
1: Ha. "Only in the literal sense."
Morty's Menagerie
1: "They don't all have titles though, it's not like a Simpsons Halloween special."
1: Ha. Editing.
The Whole Enchilada
Poop Aids _ copy (Rick says "Poop Aids Underscore Copy")
Morty figures out that they're color-coded
1: Begins series of untitled
1: References Star Wars. Cutting open an animal to get inside.
1: Men in Black II and not Men in Black.
Untitled (I'll keep looking for clues)
1: Wow. Summer saves the day (and implied it's not the first time).
1: Summer says under her breath, "No wonder you're constantly fighting with each other and behind schedule." I don't entirely understand what she means though. [I found a reddit post (https://www.reddit.com/r/rick_and_morty/comments/70v5ak/no_wonder_youre_constantly_fighting_with_each/) where I found a satisfactory set of answers: Summer's last line is a reference to the writers constantly fighting with each other (with respect to ideas) and then fall behind schedule. The Mind Blowers room represents a room full of ideas which they may have had, but not worth developing into an episode.]
1: References E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
1: Ha. Morty knows the species and is able to greet her in her language.
1: Parent Trap
1: All those toys.
1: "I'm owning it."
1: "And that's why one pussy plus two pussies makes a bunch of pussies."
1: References Blade Runner.
1: "That's Gorgon shit. Total Gorgon shit."
1: Lol. "By the way, that wasn't time travel, there were a couple pizzas on the counter, I grabbed them."
1: Ha. Awesome messages on Jerry's message machine.
1: He treats us like Ghostbusters.
1: Minecraft.
1: "South Park did it four years ago."
1: Lol. He edited his own wiki page. "That part is true!" (pirates)
1: He didn't give her a straight answer.
1: Lol. They don't believe any of his threats.
1: "Words. Don Cheadle."
1: Maybe the other ones are clones and Beth is real.
1: "Like season 1."
1: Ha. Akira-type.
1: This episode gave some insight on the repercussions of living solely to avoid death - at an extreme
1: It's revealed in the credits scene how Morty's vision of how his live ends would have come to be
1: Hahaha. "You ruined the season 4 premiere!"
*My original notes for this episode seem to have been lost.
*My original notes for this episode seem to have been lost.
1: Ha. That was all he assembled the crew for: entry into the convention.
1: It seems unsportsmanlike to propose a target which was already been acquired. [But Rick manages to be on top of it anyways.]
1: I don't get the whole Rand-o-Tron vs Heist-o-Tron.
*My original notes for this episode seem to have been lost.
1: Hahaha. I thought he was joking about the 10-dragon bonded dragon.
1: Ha. A quick soul bond.
1: Hahaha. "There's snakes in space?" "There's literally everything in space, Morty!" He really did warn Morty already.
1: Episode 1 was Morty doesn't understand the repercussion of the death crystal. Episode 4 was Morty doesn't understand the repercussion of having a dragon. This episode was Morty doesn't understand the reprecussion of snakes i 1: Terminator.
1: Hmm. He must have been traveling hundred of miles per hour.
1: A bit of Bill and Ted. [And then the punch in the eye is explained]
1: Anthology that isn't Interdimensional Cable (breaking fourth wall)
1: The guy decided to give up.
1: Smile. Morty's story with his mom and sister.
1: "Wait is any of this canon?" "It could have been."
1: I was wondering about the Rick and Morty on the toy train. It's explained in the post-credits scene [toy commercial]
1: Pornhub account.
1: Smile. Just like Star Wars.
1: Smile. 9/11 repeat off the table, Pear Harbor repeat was okay.
1: Haha. Everyone knows about Steve and bruce.
1: Hahahahahaha. Just had to take a shit. 1=20170724
1: Seems dumb. Fake vat of acid. How do you tell the fake vat from the real vats?
1: Futurama.
1: The events of this plane crash mimic those of the 1972 Andes plane crash (on which the movie Alive is based on). 1: Oh dang. His dad... Didn't see that coming.
1: I see. So the device autoloads the save point when Morty dies.
1: HAHAHA. Prestige'd. Great twist by Rick.
1: Smile. The vat.
1: LOL. "I'm acid proof."
1: "Isn't it obvious, Morty? I fucked a planet."
1: Online college workaround.
1: Smile. Brake fluid.
1: HA! Rick told the kids he wouldn't sell them out, but he ended up selling them out.
1: Star Wars.
1: "Oh God I'm a clone."
1: "We have to go do a Star Wars."
1: Smile. I killed them offscreen.
1: If I were to guess. Neither is their real mom.
1: "Technically one is facing left and the other is facing right."
1: oh no, his time zone is gonna pass by as he is out of it.
1: lol time god
post credits
1: cold feet?
1: yes he would
1: Lol. The decoy families are aware of decoy families. In some sense, there's just a bunch of clones without knowing which is the real clone. So at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter which one family survives [I guess being a decoy with a kill code is distinctly different than being the "real" version without a kill code; but presumably otherwise the decoys are just as good]
1: I imagine other Ricks would also pretend to be fake squids.
1: Hehe. "Honestly, probably for the best."
1: Hehe. One decides to kill himself.
1: Hehe. Like puppets.
1: Hehe. The twist. But that should mean there's bound to be various decoys that thought similarly.
1: HA! The ending.
Post Credits
1: The wooden decoy Jerry
1: Captain Planet [Planetina]
1: Hehe. "He said he can't come. Okay let's go."
1: "And if you don't like it, you can suck my bigger tit. Adios, C-words."
1: Holy shit. Go Morty. "Fire!!!"
1: At least Morty didn't use the rings to control Planetina (which I could see being a valid plot)
1: I like how the wilted flowers look
Post Credits
1: Moral of the story: be careful what you do if you think the world is ending, just in case the world doesn't really end.
1: HAHAHAHA. That's too funny. "Okay, then it's your fault." - Morty to Rick (because I think often times Rick does do things just to mess with someone)
1: "Nobody knows the difference." "They're reloading the textbook trebuchet"
1: "'Crispy Cremes' with a 'C'"
1: "What was it like?" "Fantastic"
1: I saw that one coming (Sticky)
1: HA! Rick pushes the 'That was easy' button
1: They pass by someone who's driving something similar looking to a podracer
1: Smile. Doorknob.
1: Aww.
1: "Oh my God, if I die in this car I'm going to kill myself."
1: How does Rick have a huge piercing in his abdomen?
1: Hehe. Sofa wine.
1: Ha. Morty's ferret comes out of a parking structure.
1: Five GoTrons to form a GoGoTron (25 Ferrets).
1: GoGoGoTron (that's 125 Ferrets)
1: Appropriation
1: Hehe. The incest baby comes back into the picture.
1: Smile. Heh. voiceovarians.
Post Credits
1: Apparently the bugs are not bad...
1: Is that a reveal? This memory Rick comments that Beth was already dead, but that various Ricks do opt to live with their "families." [Yes. The quote: "You’re one of those creeps who moves in with abandoned adult Beths? You live with a version of our dead daughter." Reading it over, it seems that this Rick - the one that befriended Bird Person - has moved in with a Beth that is not his Beth]
1: "Don't tell them that, they won't fight right."
1: "Don't clone one of the two and send one off into space."
1: Oh, I don't recall that Rick learned Birdperson has a kid via the unconsciousness.
1: Hehe. Bring a piece of conscience to life.
1: A paradoy of Moana.
1: Is the person in the hand hole an older alternate Morty?
1: LOL. WTF (with the crows; training without training or something like that)
1: "Might have been too rank there."
1: Holy shit. Morty got his hand crushed off, executed a strange portal in a portal move (which is super weird), and cauterized his wound
1: Smile. "Rick and Two Crows" instead of "Rick and Morty"
Post Credits
1: Garbage Goober is actually a doctor
1: two crows, kind of anime style
1: different intro
1: hehe twist on old Morty
1: 26 years
1: hehe canon, episodic drama
1: Rick's origin story
1: I didn't quite get the infinite curve bit, I decided to read a summary. In theory the infinite curve only keeps universes with smart ricks. but clearly there are dumb ricks and evil mortys so kind of like Jurassic Park or Loki, try as one might to control the situation, there are anomalies that are bound to break the cycle. the idea may br cool in the moment but hopefully it doesnt break the show. for example I thought the whole final avengers movie (of phase three) with time travel was lame. the rollup was epic but the plot was not one I enjoyed 1=20230308
1: hehe. Rick references Tony Stark's recording to his helmet in Endgame
1: hehe. "Who was that for?"
1: Hehe. Not sure if this was known prior to this episode: Jerry, Rick, and Morty are not from this universe, but the two Beths and Summer are from that universe
1: Did we meet this Jerry before
1: Huh. Maybe I saw this episode ("Terrestrials, am I right?")
1: Hmm. The ghost talks about how the killer must be stuck as well.
1: HA! Jerry was forgotten [correction: Rick intentionally didn't retrieve Jerry]
1: hehe. Season 2 vibes
1: hehe. Mr. Frundles.
1: destroyed a whole family; even clone Beth was conveniently there
1: smile. Morty tries to say "Par-mees-ian"
Post Credits
1: "Evil" Rick kills "Badass" Jerry (current Morty's real dad)
1: Huh. Why do all these kids sound like Morty?
1: Hehe. This character which is Rick is trying to explain that all the players are Morty's.
1: Rick clarifies that Morty has been split up among the NPCs
1: References Die Hard
1: Rick says the guy from Die Hard (presumably Bruce Willis) hasn't seen Die Hard
1: Smile. Despite her saying she's never seen Die Hard: "walkie talkie Die Hard motherfucker"
1: I haven't seen the movie, but sounds funny: "8% of the Synder cut was Batman dreaming"
1: Smile. Gun taped to the back.
1: Apparently Rick left Marta behind; which is interesting because while numerically she probably makes up an insignificant piece of Morty, she seemed to have such a strong personality... I don't think all pieces would have carried an equal weight
Post Credits
1: A reference to Die Hard sequel.
1: The two Beths are getting along
1: hehe more real makes less asteroids makes more boring (which is a valid poke at modern games and consumers; sometimes players think they want realistic games, but fun games have a tendency to veer away from realistic)
1: hehe. first Summer then Morty
1: smile. pokes fun at Cloud's huge sword in Final Fantasy VII; in this realistic version he struggles to pick up the sword
1: Haha. "Oh... yeah... shit... I forgot I installed that"
1: Smile. A reference to MUDs
1: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
1: "Naruto"?
1: Hmm... what was the meaning of that? Rick put away the wine and destroyed the remote; to me I would guess it implies he had a hand in them falling in love with each other [from an article, perhaps with the motive of Jerry killing himself]
Post Credits
1: Jerry visits the Jerry daycare cause he wants to have an experience with another Jerry; he is refused entrance because that's a common occurrence, but he gets the opportunity outside
Haha. Jerry is pen pals with his night person.
HAHAHA. Night Jerry does the laundry.
Huh. Night Summer washing the dishes.
Hahaha. Whoa. That's intense. Night Summer
What aa trooper. Thus far she's dealing with the itchiness and drinking the supposedly shitty combination of Dayquil and Mountain Dew
Huh. Interesting. The thought of Night Summer crossing into Day Summer passed in my mind (due to the line Night Summer spoke to Rick when feeding him the food) but was fleeting. however, it doesn't quite explain why Night Summer occupying Day Summer was behaving more like Day Summer
HAHAHA. Three facilities blow up
Hehe. Rick refused to rinse the dishes
Post Credits
Hehe. "I have the device that will solve all our problems"
What!?! HAHAHAHA. "You will have sex with your mother."
Hehe. They're really picking on their dad
Huh. They're showing as if Rick notices and pities Jerry.
Hehe. Box switching.
Hahaha. Eye of thundara.
Smile. Sailor Moon sequence.
R2-D2 reference
Post Credits
Hehehe. The commercial followed by Morty's analysis of it, and the twist
Ha! Projection. "Do you?"
Chuckle. "Monkeys went bald?"
Hehe. Marvel.
"Rounding out this 'Ant-Man' character"
Pausing: Jerry clicks on a folder named "Stuff" but to the side is a PDF named "Kama Sutra for middle-aged men ebook." Inside "Stuff" is "Forgotten Stuff", "Forgotten Stuff(2)", "Delete This", and "Titanic Locations". First he clicks on "Forgotten Stuff(2)" which has "pandas_falling.mov", "snake_wearing_miniskirt.jpg", and "ugly_dog.jpg". He goes back to click on "Forgotten Stuff" where it pokes fun at documents with names "FINAL" "FINAL_FINAL" and "FINAL_FINAL_FINAL"
Hehe. He prints out the document to mail to the publisheres when he probably could have just emailed it
Why would YouTube still play ads when money doesn't matter.
Hehe. Better portal gun and they offered to close the dimensional rift.
Hahaha. "It looked so easy on 'Pro Skater 3'"
Ah. Poor Jerry. His book is deemed worthy of distributing but he's not given credit.
Hehe. So people got everything they wanted (free time, no work, no paying for things, etc.) and eventually became as unhappy as they were on the other side. Here they get it back and are happy (but surely that won't last either). Of course this is just a cartoon, but... there's undoubtedly some truth in the idea
Hehe. Rick plays chicken and convinces them to stay alive.
Smile. Three-episode arc (dinos closed the rift and Rick complains)
HAHAHA. Rick zapping Morty through portals is funny.
HAHAHAHAHAHA. "We got to make it through the opening credits."
Hehe. The fourth wall.
Hahaha. All this meta interaction is fun to watch
Hehe these different members and their names
Morty comments on why his name is "Brett Cann" when it could be "Rhett Cann" and then it's made to be so!
Hahaha. "You failed me." "No, I failed you."
Post Credits
Warning that the episode has suicide as a topic
An Iron Man like suit (and I think what we see in the opening credits)
HA! He blew up an entire planet! That was just where they were meeting... there could have been other people on the planet
"Uh, hope there weren't other people on that planet."
Hehe. Rick had to tell Morty.
Post Credits
Scarlett Johansson
Suicide hotline number
Solar War I (analogue to World War I)
Oh... also Solar Wars (as opposed to Star Wars)
hehe. "What is this, 'Vat of Acid' again?"
Hehe. they all are heroin addicts
Hahahahaha. "Morty, we're gonna make your dick so fake, buddy."
Rick mentioned three fail safes. Did their tests get rid of all three?
Haha! Telepathy resulting in "Run!"
Oh... that makes sense. He had to go far far away to get it.
Fruit Ninja
Hehe. Just like Obi-Wan.
Perfectly vertical. Didn't they do this bit already?
Ah! I sensed it! The line in the previous episode foreshadowed this but I didn't write it down.
Hehe. The red light saber (probably modeled after a sith light saber) goes rogue cause Rick pesters it (which seems out of character, but sure)
Hehe. Rick continues to be right (the president betrays Morty)
Music that is similar to the Imperial March (?)
Hehe. The president playing with the saber; note that in both cases it's one thing to drop a lightsaber vertically, but in both cases the lightsabers would have had some angular momentum as they fell to the ground, due to the trajectory from which they dropped... furthermore, the hilt is probably heavier than light portion of the saber... [an article points out that viewers say another flaw is typically a lightsaber turns off when it falls out of the users's hands]
If he was able to equip these robots with robot hands, why not just build his own lightsaber instead of stealing Morty's lightsaber
Rick says that's not all the places he could be, that's all the places he is.
Refers to Season 7
Post Credits
Mr. Poopy Butt talks about the season
hehe fading pills and the long explanation. love it
so the small difference in swapping bodies is it's equivalent to swapping consciousness. but Rick is switching minds... which is philosophically saying the mind is different from the brain. Rick says brain is a hardware. implying the mind is more like software. so Jerry was complaining about a better brain, but with the same mind what can he do?
ha! "there goes my Thursday"
haha. do you not hear the symphony of atoms dying?
"Do you not hear the symphony of atoms dying in space?"
so I had to do some reading to remember the whole Memory Rick. it is a character from season 5. it is a manifestation from Birdperson's memory of Rick which afterwards resides in Rick's mind. Apparently he was marooned in Jerry's mind during the mixup, accordinf to the post credits. It seems he managed to save them during the Jerricky incident which resulted in their successful split.
... what's the twist... what did Rick put in the spaghetti
haha. "why couldnt it just be spaghetti?"
hehe wow... a torso with an arm that stabs itself... quite the thought exercise (and as Rick mentioned early the trolley problem)
wow... what a life. I thought Rick was gonna synthesize the result but apparently he was looking to end the craze by showing the complexity of a life. that's deep
hahaha their unanimously accepting the Salisbury steak despite all the hints Rick is saying about how horrible it would be if they knew
[I didn't quite get it. Apparently they were "vomiting" dust. link]
wow. All this fighting is great choreography. Exciting action
huh... certainly not unexpected that he feels empty about the revenge but... in a way a turn from his happier or comically drubken self.
haha bully gun. actual gun
haha another gun in the glove box
hehe the reveal of open your mind meaning (psychic)
haha first taken? he replies with he saves morty seven times per season
hehe kuato with kuato
hehe kuato knife
haha 69 bit. + you have a wife?
this episode with Ice T and Morty and his teacher was interesting deviation from typical Rick and Morty. parody of star wars and perhaps other sci fi movies. oh some naming of transformers I guess
1b: resumed S7E09
1b: I feel like they could have unplugged and then plug it back in. but besides that, I don't recall why they kept going to valhalla every time they died. and why Rick said they only had one shot. seemed infinite
1b: hehe throwing cans at the Bigfoot
smile "two seasons"
hehe multiple iterations with no certainty of escape
nice... an extended life before finally cuttong out of the hole again
hehe final twist...
Rick explains its a one person ride
Rick puts Morty's picture up
Mr. Poopybutthole after credits, replaces a version of himself but his alternate wife gives him a look
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