Cliffhanger (1993)

I suppose overall I enjoyed the movie.

Instant Comments:
is he free soloing? and on a roof? jeez
yikes so tense...
oh no... [one thing I wondered is why he didn't try to drop his other hand to grab her... as he was cabled in.... Though easy for me to say, I wouldn't even dare go across. Also she wasn't injured so she could have just climbed down...][among different reasons why the scene would be considered unrealistic, one person wrote "in those conditions, they probably would have attempted a guided descent, or a bucket pickup well before they considered a zip line rescue across a 1000 meter drop."]
is this transfer person the bad guy
oh no, the transfer person tried to warn about the hijack
hehe... "why didn't you send the money first?" (greedy bad guys - I guess that's the thing with movies and money plots, always someone wanting it all) [likely not far from the truth]
Ha! "get him to a hospital, fast" + throws him
hehe "dont bother buckling up, you may not want to survive this"
ah ok. so it turns out the transfer guy was placed there on purpose
hmm I mean I think Jess was right. It was more Hal"s fault for bringing her up there
lol kill when he comes down.. why risk having one guide when they could just keep the two? hehe tosses the case [I see... he knew that by throwing away the case, they would have to keep at least one of them alive to get one of the two remaining cases]
I wonder [lost the thought]
yikes that face friction burn
"gravity's a bitch isn't it"
hehe "it costs a fortune to heat the place"
if they kill Hal, it's their grave, right?
he said it's slick... so near the top she'll slip?
hehe bats... can bats do harm?
why didn't he just kill him
oh, cause he wanted to try to reclaim the money...
huh he gave up his advantage of surprise by entering the cave. what an idiot
tch. some martial arts. kind of unexpected
he seems stronger than he looks
jeez... quite a comeback kill
hehe "this rope is 60 years old will it hold" "I don't think so" "bad answer"
oh no... first they killed a kid and now they killed an old man rescuer
in 15 second intervals
wow... he makes himself the only one who can fly the chopper
if Gabe memorized the locations then surely Hal probably did too.
wow that blood coming off Hal's face from the kick
chuckle. thats a good line "season's over asshole"
oh no. did he shoot zhesd or not [not sure what I meant by "zhesd"]
the blood trail looks like he went under the bridge
okay... lol.
I assume Qualen took her hostage (he's trying to contact Travers)
huh. are the blades really so sensitive to a bag of money?
so the three main characters live, but Frank and the one kid died... it all made for an action packed movie but the outcome wasn't that great. well to some extent justice was served as all the bad guys were eliminated...
Watched 20231025 (Netflix, Instant) (Last Day to Watch 20231031)
Cliffhanger (1993) Renny Harlin. 113 min

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