Watched the movie with Ben.
20211228 Comment:
I watched the "We Don't Talk About Bruno" again. It turns out I thought Isabela was singing about having a love "betrothed to another," but it was actually Dolores who sang it. In any case, it's very fun to watch the song after having seen the film.
20211229: Started the movie again with Ada.
20220115 Comment:
As I was putting this post together, I learned from some comments that the word "madrigal" has a meaning in music. It means the following:
I watched bits and pieces of Encanto today. I decided not to take any notes but I definitely noticed tiny details here and there. The following are some tidbits I recall:
- I'm curious how the Spanish version of this line goes: "Abre los ojos. Open your eyes." Some possibilities: "[different language]. Abre los ojos," "Abre los ojos. Abre los ojos," or "Abre los ojos. [silence]." [In "Espanol (Latinoamerica)" audio, she says "Abre los ojos. Tie (?). Abrelos."]
- Abuela sounds like she has an accent but the kids do not sound like they do when I think it should be consistent
- She sings "Where all the people are fantastical and magical" [I originally took this to mean they all had powers, but really these are adjectives that apply to normal persons as well]
Instant Comments:
3a: Are they triplets then? [Yes]
8: When Mirabel picks up her dress, it's next to a sewing machine (which I notice now because I recently read about Mirabel being a seamstress; her dress is adorned with references to the family and butterflies)
3a: Technically just them getting married doesn't make abuela an abuela.
1: The first song started off not so interesting but ended well
1: I feel like not having a gift is a gift; especially since some of these gifts feel like a double-edged sword
1: Ugh, this grandma not wanting Mirabel to ruin things...
8: when Mirabel opens the drawer to get Antonio's gift, we see the drawer is full of yarn (again, I noticed because I recently read about Mirabel being a seamstress)
3a: I briefly wondered about the choice to have Antonio ask Mirabel to accompany him. But it simultaneously is used to flash back to Mirabel and perhaps create some tension and release tension that Mirabel is somehow jinxed.
8: There are different facial expressions as a reaction to Mirabel taking Antonio's hand
8: Hmm. "We have a new gift!" I feel like the best way to leverage granting of new gifts is to increase the number of children.
1: Mirabel's song during this time pause is decent
3a: Arguably Pepe never shows the ability to control her emotions to help, at least not that I remember.
3a: Luisa has a useful ability tied with her mom.
8: Huh. It occurs to me as she sings "I'm waiting on a miracle" and how at the end of the movie the theme is "the miracle is you." This had me wonder about her name, and I read "Mirabel" means "wonderful." 2a: The house starts cracking and Ben says "oh no!" I asked him what's happening and he said "It was breaking."
3a: How did the cracks disappear?
1: What was the abuela's gift? [i.e., why would she put so much pressure on having a gift, if she herself doesn't have a gift]
3a: She's not wearing glasses in her sleep
3a: Does Camilo also shift his parts?
2a: Dolores tells Mirabel, "The only one worried about the magic is you. and the rats talking in the walls." [20220115: She continues saying, "Oh, and Luisa, I heard her eye twitching all night."; ha! she heard Luisa's eye twitching!!!]
3a: And the rats talking in the walls
8: How does Dolores not go crazy with her hearing. Her ability to focus on the Guzman's seems like there exists control, yet also she heard Luisa's eye twitching all night
2a: Wasn't Isabela sitting on the other side of the table. How did she bump into Mirabel?
1: Whoa this song of Luisa's is awesome. ["Surface Pressure"]
2a: Ah, she sings about if there wasn't as much pressure she could relax
2a: Haha. Unicorn donkeys
3a: Hehe Luisa's position after the song
2a: Hehe she reminds me a little of Lil Dicky when she says "magic but no" (when she is going up Bruno's room)
1: How will she get back? (after swinging across)
1: Hehe "quitter!"
3a: How did she get down from the tower?
1: Haha, Luisa crying about weakening
3a: Oh, Camilo actually did momentarily grow big, but then returns to a normal sized Bruno. Maybe seven foot frame is like a feeling.
1: "We Don't Talk About Bruno" is a cool song
8: Isabela sings about how her powers would grow.
2a: Oh, during the song, Dolores sings that she hears Bruno
2a, 8: Dolores then sings again, "It's like I hear him, now."
1:During the song, it is sung that Bruno foresaw that she wouldn't get married [20211228: I got Isabela and Dolores mixed up.]
1: Haha, smile, Dolores hears Mirabel's dad whispering; 3a, 8: Smile. "I know" (Dolores hears Mirabel's dad whispering
8: OMG. I just realized that randomly people must be having sex throughout the town. Does Dolores hear all that?
2a: Paused the film at the dinner
2b: Resumed at the dinner
8: Ben laughing at the dinner.
9b: continue with the movie (Mirabel is chasing Bruno)
3a: I guess there's no reason for him to be entirely familiar with the gaps, but perhaps he should know most... Regardless I guess it makes for a good joke
8: "I used to say my real gift was 'acting.'" Huh. The notion of "real gift" here.
3a: It suggests he patches the cracks but he cant be doing such a good job that the cracks seem to disappear...
9b: telenovela. I think I read a comment on this once where televisions probably didn't exist at the time, and as such telenovelas did not exist, so for Bruno to reference such a thing somehow suggests he's seen it in a vision. However, more likely it's just a funny joke
3b: Resumed at Mirabel implores Bruno to tell her
8: "You left to protect me?" He left to protect her.
8: I previously wondered why is gift would require other materials - since how would he know to make such preparations in the first place
2b: That creature just sits there while the wind blows against Bruno and Mirabel [capybara; the minor character is named Chispi]
8: Bruno tells her "You're exactly what this family needs. You just have to see it."
8: Hehe. "Luisa can't lift an empanada
8: During this scene (Mirabel talks to Isabela) I wondered what a live action version of the movie would be like and then I thought the movie would lose a lot of the fun offered by the animation. Then I thought about all the other live action adaptations. Why is it that there is a craving for these adaptations.
1: Hehe she confesses not wanting to marry the guy and makes a cactus
3b: During Isabela's song, there's a part where the flowers on the wall act like her shadow
2b: What a great little snippet: "Careful, it's carnivorous."
2b: Oh, Mirabel sings the Isabela/Dolores melody from "We Don't Talk About Bruno"
1: Great song for Isabella ["What Else Can I Do?"]
8: The house clearly became fixed and the candle strong when Mirabel hugged Isabela. Then it darkens first when Mirabel is affected by her abuela's words. And it gets worse as she begins to speak back.
1:The house rejects everyone's help except Mirabel's [20220606: see next comment]
2b: I guess technically it didn't reject the help of others. But it didn't exactly enable their attempts. In contrast, it directly allowed Mirabel access.
3b: Oh when the house is falling apart, Isabel and Camilo lose their powers. So then the house saves them. Whereas Mirabel isn't relying on any powers [which is in part the reason of her success]
7b: Resume at the 75 minute mark
3b: Oh, I wondered why it's dos. [Answer: it's the husband and wife]
8: "[something something gift] He sent me you."
3b: My favorite part of this song is that Bruno says the thing with Pepe was just a joke.
1,2b: Ha! "Yo I knew he never left I heard him everyday." [2b: I love the look on her face as she says this]; 8: the look on her face after she says this
9b: Her expression after she says this "Yo I knew he never left I heard him everyday" was as if she didnt realize what she said until after she had said it
8: I've noticed this before but apparently never noted it: the seasons change in the back. Maybe a year.
3b: Haha kid drinks coffee and hammers down multiple nails
2b: "You're so strong." "Yeah, but sometimes I cry." "So do I."
2b: "The miracle is you, not some gift, just you" ["All of You"]
7b: Bruno with his bucket on
8: "You're the real gift kid, let us in."
7b: Huh. I know the whole thing is that Mirabel doesn't need a gift. But I just noticed how she's the main person on the front door, which in a way represents the magic that she contributes to power the house (which comes to life after the knob is inserted) [someone on Reddit pointed out that the door on Mirabel's old room was glowing like the others. there's also some other interesting comments such as how the house's condition seems closely connected to Mirabel's feelings]
8: Pepa is happily dancing in the rain. Speaking of which, I realized that the first part of what Bruno had revealed was that what he said on her wedding day wan't a prophecy, but I never noticed really how the second part is the reason: he wanted her to embrace all her emotions and not have to suppress negative feelings (which would conjure up storms and the like)
1=20211227, 2a=20211229, 2b=20220115, 3a=20220220, 3b=20220221, 4=202203##, 5=202203##, 6=20220627, 7a=20221102, 7b=20230605, 8=20230615, 9a=20230623, 9b=20230624, 10=20240825
Watched 20211227 (Disney+)
Watched first half 20211229, second half 20220115 (Disney+)
Watched first half 20220220, second half 20220221 (Disney+)
Watched bits and pieces 202203## (Disney+)
Watched once 202203## (Disney+)
Watched bits and pieces 20220627 (Disney+)
Watched three-fourths 20221102, remaining fourth 20230605 (Disney+)
Watched 20230615 (Disney+)
Watched first 40 minutes 20230623, remaining 60 minutes 20230624 (Disney+) [technically only listened to the first 40 minutes]
Watched 20240825 (Disney+)
102 min
20220115 Comment:
The best resource for lyrics to "We Don't Talk About Bruno" is the lyric video. However, a transcription can also be found below.
Pepa: We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no | We don't talk about Bruno, but
Pepa and Felix (part 1)
Pepa: It was my wedding day
Felix: It was our wedding day
Pepa: We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky
Felix: No clouds allowed in the sky
Pepa: Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin
Felix: Thunder!!
Pepa: You telling this story or am I?
Felix: I'm sorry, mi vida, go on
Pepa and Felix (part 2)
Pepa: Bruno says, "It looks like rain"
Felix: Why did he tell us?
Pepa: In doing so, he floods my brain
Felix: Abuela, get the umbrellas
Pepa: Married in a hurricane
Felix: What a joyous day! But anyway
Pepa and Felix: We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no | We don't talk about Bruno
Dolores (part 1)
Dolores: Hey, grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling | I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling | I associate him with the sound of falling sand, ch ch ch | It's a heavy lift with a gift so humbling | Always left Abuela and the family fumbling | Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand | Do you understand?
Camilo (part 1)
Camilo: A seven-foot frame, rats along his back | When he calls your name it all fades to black
Camilo (part 2)
Camilo: Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams (hey)
Pepa, Felix, and Camilo: We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no
Dolores: We don't talk about Bruno, no, no!
Pepa, Felix, and Camilo: We don't talk about Bruno
Dolores: We don't talk about Bruno
Señora Pezmuerto: He told me my fish would die, the next day, dead (no, no)
Osvaldo: He told me I'd grow a gut and just like he said (no, no)
Priest: He said that all my hair would disappear | Now, look at my head (no, no)
Pepa, Felix, Camilo, Dolores: Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read
Isabela (part 1)
Isabela: He told me that the life of my dreams | Would be promised, and someday be mine | He told me that my power would grow | Like the grapes that thrive on the vine
Abuela: Óye, Mariano's on his way
Dolores (part 2)
Dolores: He told me that the man of my dreams | Would be just out of reach | Betrothed to another | It's like I hear him, now
Isabela: Hey sis, I want not a sound out of you
Dolores: It's like I can hear him now, I can hear him, now
Mirabel: Um, Bruno | Yeah, about that Bruno | I really need to know about Bruno | Gimme the truth and the whole truth, Bruno
Camilo: Isabella, your boyfriend's here
???: Time for dinner
Unison of Camilo (part 1), Pepa and Felix (part 1), Isabela (part 1) with additional "I'm fine," and Dolores (part 1):
Camilo: A seven-foot frame, rats along his back
Pepa: It was my wedding day | Felix: It was our wedding day
Isabela: He told me that the life of my dreams | Would be promised
Dolores:* Grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling | I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling.
Camilo: When he calls your name it all fades to black
Pepa: We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky | Felix: No clouds allowed in the sky
Isabela: and someday be mine
Dolores:* I associate him with the sound of falling sand, ch ch ch
Camilo: Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams
Pepa: Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin | Felix: Thunder | Pepa: You telling this story or am I?| Felix: I'm sorry, mi vida, go on
Isabela: He told me that my power would grow | Like the grapes that thrive on the vine, I'm fine.
Dolores:* It's a heavy lift with a gift so humbling | Always left Abuela and the family fumbling | Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand | Do you understand
Óye, Mariano's on his way
Unison of Camilo (part 2), Pepa and Felix (part 2) without "But anyway," truncated Isabela (part 1) with "And I'm fine...," and Dolores (part 2) with "And I'm fine...":
Camilo: A seven-foot frame, rats along his back
Pepa: Bruno says, "It looks like rain" | Felix: Why did he tell us?
Isabela: He told me that the life of my dreams | Would be promised
Dolores: He told me that the man of my dreams | Would be just out of reach
Camilo: When he calls your name it all fades to black
Pepa: In doing so, he floods my brain | Felix: Abuela, get the umbrellas
Isabela: and someday be mine
Dolores: Betrothed to another, another
Camilo: Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams
Pepa: Married in a hurricane | Felix: What a joyous day!
Isabela: And I'm fine, and I'm fine, and I'm fine, I'll be fine
Dolores: And I'm fine, and I'm fine, and I'm fine, I'm fine**
Outro: Ensemble: Hey
???: he's here
All: Don't talk about Bruno, no
Mirabel: Why did I talk about Bruno?
All: Not a word about Bruno
Mirabel: I never should've brought up Bruno!
*Dolore's part in this first half is difficult to hear on the DisneyMusicVEVO music video. I can barely make out the "Ch Ch Ch." In the movie, I'm able to also hear "Do you understand" in addition to the "Ch Ch Ch." It can clearly be heard in the soundtrack and the lyric video. With that being said, I have poor speakers and will have to try again with the movie version using a good pair of headphones.
**When trying to listen, I couldn't hear Dolores's part. Upon watching the lyric video, apparently it's because she sings in unison with Isabela.
Watched the movie with Ben.
20211228 Comment:
I watched the "We Don't Talk About Bruno" again. It turns out I thought Isabela was singing about having a love "betrothed to another," but it was actually Dolores who sang it. In any case, it's very fun to watch the song after having seen the film.
20211229: Started the movie again with Ada.
20220115 Comment:
As I was putting this post together, I learned from some comments that the word "madrigal" has a meaning in music. It means the following:
a part-song for several voices, especially one of the Renaissance period, typically arranged in elaborate counterpoint and without instrumental accompaniment
Abuela Alma Madriga (María Cecilia Botero, singing voice: Olga Merediz) |
I watched bits and pieces of Encanto today. I decided not to take any notes but I definitely noticed tiny details here and there. The following are some tidbits I recall:
- I'm curious how the Spanish version of this line goes: "Abre los ojos. Open your eyes." Some possibilities: "[different language]. Abre los ojos," "Abre los ojos. Abre los ojos," or "Abre los ojos. [silence]." [In "Espanol (Latinoamerica)" audio, she says "Abre los ojos. Tie (?). Abrelos."]
- Abuela sounds like she has an accent but the kids do not sound like they do when I think it should be consistent
- She sings "Where all the people are fantastical and magical" [I originally took this to mean they all had powers, but really these are adjectives that apply to normal persons as well]
Instant Comments:
3a: Are they triplets then? [Yes]
8: When Mirabel picks up her dress, it's next to a sewing machine (which I notice now because I recently read about Mirabel being a seamstress; her dress is adorned with references to the family and butterflies)
3a: Technically just them getting married doesn't make abuela an abuela.
1: The first song started off not so interesting but ended well
1: I feel like not having a gift is a gift; especially since some of these gifts feel like a double-edged sword
1: Ugh, this grandma not wanting Mirabel to ruin things...
8: when Mirabel opens the drawer to get Antonio's gift, we see the drawer is full of yarn (again, I noticed because I recently read about Mirabel being a seamstress)
3a: I briefly wondered about the choice to have Antonio ask Mirabel to accompany him. But it simultaneously is used to flash back to Mirabel and perhaps create some tension and release tension that Mirabel is somehow jinxed.
8: There are different facial expressions as a reaction to Mirabel taking Antonio's hand
8: Hmm. "We have a new gift!" I feel like the best way to leverage granting of new gifts is to increase the number of children.
1: Mirabel's song during this time pause is decent
3a: Arguably Pepe never shows the ability to control her emotions to help, at least not that I remember.
3a: Luisa has a useful ability tied with her mom.
8: Huh. It occurs to me as she sings "I'm waiting on a miracle" and how at the end of the movie the theme is "the miracle is you." This had me wonder about her name, and I read "Mirabel" means "wonderful." 2a: The house starts cracking and Ben says "oh no!" I asked him what's happening and he said "It was breaking."
3a: How did the cracks disappear?
1: What was the abuela's gift? [i.e., why would she put so much pressure on having a gift, if she herself doesn't have a gift]
3a: She's not wearing glasses in her sleep
3a: Does Camilo also shift his parts?
2a: Dolores tells Mirabel, "The only one worried about the magic is you. and the rats talking in the walls." [20220115: She continues saying, "Oh, and Luisa, I heard her eye twitching all night."; ha! she heard Luisa's eye twitching!!!]
3a: And the rats talking in the walls
Mirabel and Bruno Madrigal (John Leguizamo) |
8: How does Dolores not go crazy with her hearing. Her ability to focus on the Guzman's seems like there exists control, yet also she heard Luisa's eye twitching all night
2a: Wasn't Isabela sitting on the other side of the table. How did she bump into Mirabel?
1: Whoa this song of Luisa's is awesome. ["Surface Pressure"]
2a: Ah, she sings about if there wasn't as much pressure she could relax
2a: Haha. Unicorn donkeys
3a: Hehe Luisa's position after the song
2a: Hehe she reminds me a little of Lil Dicky when she says "magic but no" (when she is going up Bruno's room)
1: How will she get back? (after swinging across)
1: Hehe "quitter!"
3a: How did she get down from the tower?
(most of) The Madrigal Family |
1: Haha, Luisa crying about weakening
3a: Oh, Camilo actually did momentarily grow big, but then returns to a normal sized Bruno. Maybe seven foot frame is like a feeling.
1: "We Don't Talk About Bruno" is a cool song
8: Isabela sings about how her powers would grow.
2a: Oh, during the song, Dolores sings that she hears Bruno
2a, 8: Dolores then sings again, "It's like I hear him, now."
1: Haha, smile, Dolores hears Mirabel's dad whispering; 3a, 8: Smile. "I know" (Dolores hears Mirabel's dad whispering
8: OMG. I just realized that randomly people must be having sex throughout the town. Does Dolores hear all that?
Luisa Madrigal (Jessica Darrow) sings about the pressure she feels in "Surface Pressure" |
2a: Paused the film at the dinner
2b: Resumed at the dinner
8: Ben laughing at the dinner.
9b: continue with the movie (Mirabel is chasing Bruno)
3a: I guess there's no reason for him to be entirely familiar with the gaps, but perhaps he should know most... Regardless I guess it makes for a good joke
8: "I used to say my real gift was 'acting.'" Huh. The notion of "real gift" here.
3a: It suggests he patches the cracks but he cant be doing such a good job that the cracks seem to disappear...
9b: telenovela. I think I read a comment on this once where televisions probably didn't exist at the time, and as such telenovelas did not exist, so for Bruno to reference such a thing somehow suggests he's seen it in a vision. However, more likely it's just a funny joke
3b: Resumed at Mirabel implores Bruno to tell her
8: "You left to protect me?" He left to protect her.
8: I previously wondered why is gift would require other materials - since how would he know to make such preparations in the first place
2b: That creature just sits there while the wind blows against Bruno and Mirabel [capybara; the minor character is named Chispi]
8: Bruno tells her "You're exactly what this family needs. You just have to see it."
8: Hehe. "Luisa can't lift an empanada
8: During this scene (Mirabel talks to Isabela) I wondered what a live action version of the movie would be like and then I thought the movie would lose a lot of the fun offered by the animation. Then I thought about all the other live action adaptations. Why is it that there is a craving for these adaptations.
1: Hehe she confesses not wanting to marry the guy and makes a cactus
3b: During Isabela's song, there's a part where the flowers on the wall act like her shadow
2b: What a great little snippet: "Careful, it's carnivorous."
2b: Oh, Mirabel sings the Isabela/Dolores melody from "We Don't Talk About Bruno"
Isabel Madrigal (Diane Guerro) and Mirabel at the end of "What Else Can I Do?" |
1: Great song for Isabella ["What Else Can I Do?"]
8: The house clearly became fixed and the candle strong when Mirabel hugged Isabela. Then it darkens first when Mirabel is affected by her abuela's words. And it gets worse as she begins to speak back.
2b: I guess technically it didn't reject the help of others. But it didn't exactly enable their attempts. In contrast, it directly allowed Mirabel access.
3b: Oh when the house is falling apart, Isabel and Camilo lose their powers. So then the house saves them. Whereas Mirabel isn't relying on any powers [which is in part the reason of her success]
7b: Resume at the 75 minute mark
3b: Oh, I wondered why it's dos. [Answer: it's the husband and wife]
8: "[something something gift] He sent me you."
3b: My favorite part of this song is that Bruno says the thing with Pepe was just a joke.
1,2b: Ha! "Yo I knew he never left I heard him everyday." [2b: I love the look on her face as she says this]; 8: the look on her face after she says this
9b: Her expression after she says this "Yo I knew he never left I heard him everyday" was as if she didnt realize what she said until after she had said it
8: I've noticed this before but apparently never noted it: the seasons change in the back. Maybe a year.
3b: Haha kid drinks coffee and hammers down multiple nails
2b: "You're so strong." "Yeah, but sometimes I cry." "So do I."
2b: "The miracle is you, not some gift, just you" ["All of You"]
7b: Bruno with his bucket on
8: "You're the real gift kid, let us in."
7b: Huh. I know the whole thing is that Mirabel doesn't need a gift. But I just noticed how she's the main person on the front door, which in a way represents the magic that she contributes to power the house (which comes to life after the knob is inserted) [someone on Reddit pointed out that the door on Mirabel's old room was glowing like the others. there's also some other interesting comments such as how the house's condition seems closely connected to Mirabel's feelings]
8: Pepa is happily dancing in the rain. Speaking of which, I realized that the first part of what Bruno had revealed was that what he said on her wedding day wan't a prophecy, but I never noticed really how the second part is the reason: he wanted her to embrace all her emotions and not have to suppress negative feelings (which would conjure up storms and the like)
1=20211227, 2a=20211229, 2b=20220115, 3a=20220220, 3b=20220221, 4=202203##, 5=202203##, 6=20220627, 7a=20221102, 7b=20230605, 8=20230615, 9a=20230623, 9b=20230624, 10=20240825
Dolores Madrigal (Adassa) sings, "Yo I knew he never left I heard him everyday" and her brother Camilo Madrigal (Rhenzy Feliz) is bewildered |
Watched 20211227 (Disney+)
Watched first half 20211229, second half 20220115 (Disney+)
Watched first half 20220220, second half 20220221 (Disney+)
Watched bits and pieces 202203## (Disney+)
Watched once 202203## (Disney+)
Watched bits and pieces 20220627 (Disney+)
Watched three-fourths 20221102, remaining fourth 20230605 (Disney+)
Watched 20230615 (Disney+)
Watched first 40 minutes 20230623, remaining 60 minutes 20230624 (Disney+) [technically only listened to the first 40 minutes]
Watched 20240825 (Disney+)
102 min
20220115 Comment:
The best resource for lyrics to "We Don't Talk About Bruno" is the lyric video. However, a transcription can also be found below.
Pepa: We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no | We don't talk about Bruno, but
Pepa and Felix (part 1)
Pepa: It was my wedding day
Felix: It was our wedding day
Pepa: We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky
Felix: No clouds allowed in the sky
Pepa: Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin
Felix: Thunder!!
Pepa: You telling this story or am I?
Felix: I'm sorry, mi vida, go on
Pepa and Felix (part 2)
Pepa: Bruno says, "It looks like rain"
Felix: Why did he tell us?
Pepa: In doing so, he floods my brain
Felix: Abuela, get the umbrellas
Pepa: Married in a hurricane
Felix: What a joyous day! But anyway
Pepa and Felix: We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no | We don't talk about Bruno
Félix Madrigal (Mauro Castillo) and Pepa Madrigal (Carolina Gaitán) talk about their wedding day during "We Don't Talk About Bruno" |
Dolores (part 1)
Dolores: Hey, grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling | I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling | I associate him with the sound of falling sand, ch ch ch | It's a heavy lift with a gift so humbling | Always left Abuela and the family fumbling | Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand | Do you understand?
Camilo (part 1)
Camilo: A seven-foot frame, rats along his back | When he calls your name it all fades to black
Camilo (part 2)
Camilo: Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams (hey)
Pepa, Felix, and Camilo: We don't talk about Bruno, no, no, no
Dolores: We don't talk about Bruno, no, no!
Pepa, Felix, and Camilo: We don't talk about Bruno
Dolores: We don't talk about Bruno
Camilo shape shifts into his uncle Bruno during "We Don't Talk About Bruno" |
Señora Pezmuerto: He told me my fish would die, the next day, dead (no, no)
Osvaldo: He told me I'd grow a gut and just like he said (no, no)
Priest: He said that all my hair would disappear | Now, look at my head (no, no)
Pepa, Felix, Camilo, Dolores: Your fate is sealed when your prophecy is read
Isabela (part 1)
Isabela: He told me that the life of my dreams | Would be promised, and someday be mine | He told me that my power would grow | Like the grapes that thrive on the vine
Abuela: Óye, Mariano's on his way
Dolores (part 2)
Dolores: He told me that the man of my dreams | Would be just out of reach | Betrothed to another | It's like I hear him, now
Isabela: Hey sis, I want not a sound out of you
Dolores: It's like I can hear him now, I can hear him, now
Mirabel: Um, Bruno | Yeah, about that Bruno | I really need to know about Bruno | Gimme the truth and the whole truth, Bruno
Camilo: Isabella, your boyfriend's here
???: Time for dinner
Dolores asks Mirabel, "Do you understand?" in "We Don't Talk About Bruno" |
Unison of Camilo (part 1), Pepa and Felix (part 1), Isabela (part 1) with additional "I'm fine," and Dolores (part 1):
Camilo: A seven-foot frame, rats along his back
Pepa: It was my wedding day | Felix: It was our wedding day
Isabela: He told me that the life of my dreams | Would be promised
Dolores:* Grew to live in fear of Bruno stuttering or stumbling | I can always hear him sort of muttering and mumbling.
Camilo: When he calls your name it all fades to black
Pepa: We were getting ready, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky | Felix: No clouds allowed in the sky
Isabela: and someday be mine
Dolores:* I associate him with the sound of falling sand, ch ch ch
Camilo: Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams
Pepa: Bruno walks in with a mischievous grin | Felix: Thunder | Pepa: You telling this story or am I?| Felix: I'm sorry, mi vida, go on
Isabela: He told me that my power would grow | Like the grapes that thrive on the vine, I'm fine.
Dolores:* It's a heavy lift with a gift so humbling | Always left Abuela and the family fumbling | Grappling with prophecies they couldn't understand | Do you understand
Óye, Mariano's on his way
Unison of Camilo (part 2), Pepa and Felix (part 2) without "But anyway," truncated Isabela (part 1) with "And I'm fine...," and Dolores (part 2) with "And I'm fine...":
Camilo: A seven-foot frame, rats along his back
Pepa: Bruno says, "It looks like rain" | Felix: Why did he tell us?
Isabela: He told me that the life of my dreams | Would be promised
Dolores: He told me that the man of my dreams | Would be just out of reach
Camilo: When he calls your name it all fades to black
Pepa: In doing so, he floods my brain | Felix: Abuela, get the umbrellas
Isabela: and someday be mine
Dolores: Betrothed to another, another
Camilo: Yeah, he sees your dreams and feasts on your screams
Pepa: Married in a hurricane | Felix: What a joyous day!
Isabela: And I'm fine, and I'm fine, and I'm fine, I'll be fine
Dolores: And I'm fine, and I'm fine, and I'm fine, I'm fine**
Outro: Ensemble: Hey
???: he's here
All: Don't talk about Bruno, no
Mirabel: Why did I talk about Bruno?
All: Not a word about Bruno
Mirabel: I never should've brought up Bruno!
The Madrigal Family. left to right: Luisa, Isabela, Julieta (Angie Cepeda), Agustín (Wilmer Valderrama), Abuela Alma, Mirabel, Bruno, Antonio (Ravi Cabot-Conyers), Pepa, Félix, Dolores |
*Dolore's part in this first half is difficult to hear on the DisneyMusicVEVO music video. I can barely make out the "Ch Ch Ch." In the movie, I'm able to also hear "Do you understand" in addition to the "Ch Ch Ch." It can clearly be heard in the soundtrack and the lyric video. With that being said, I have poor speakers and will have to try again with the movie version using a good pair of headphones.
**When trying to listen, I couldn't hear Dolores's part. Upon watching the lyric video, apparently it's because she sings in unison with Isabela.
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