The Edge of Seventeen (2016)

20240802 Comment:
Rating: 4.4/5

Instant Comments:
1a: wow. I was watching on my phone and wasn't taking notes but I had this feeling that her dad would die, likely because she seemed happy and he was her main t3 rgexsupport as she indicated earlier and again with his kind words (Billy Joel). right after I had my thought he started coughing and then crash. not sure if he will be dead yet but I nevertheless had the thought.
1a: hahahaha "there'll be other opportunities, your grandparents can't stick around forever"
1a: hehe. despite her outburst, he seems genuinely unphased and commends her on underestimating his salary. then stands up and gives her a cookie. this scene is interesting
1a: hahahaha "am I really your favorite student" "felt like the right thing to say"
1a: wow it's autumn and the pool is warm... that's so nice
1a: hmm she crushes on the petland guy while hanging out with Erwin who likes her...
1b: resume at the 1hr 05 min mar 40 minutes remaining
1b: hahaha "you need to watch out for run-on sentences"
1b: haha. can I have some money for the yogurt
1b: hehe the bathroom and bedroom is a mess. turned upside down.
1b: I feel like the direction of this story is that... similar to richmont high, this guy breaks her heart after they have sex and she realizes she should date Erwin who is a legit nice guy that likes her. though nothing wrong with the cool guy... oh wait I got movies messed up. I'm thinking of Ronan Soroasie in Ladybird. she fell in love with the cool guy and he was cool but his philosophy and a misunderstanding about love. but she didnt have a real love... she just grew from the experience. and richmont high... the cool guy was a jerk... so... anyways.
1b: what a family situation. it's explained early on. mom and Nadine didnt get along. but there's another aspect in that apparently the mom thinks of the son as perfect and just what an imbalance of love. they say parents shouldnt play favorites and from that metric she's not doing well
1b: hehe... her brother unloads his point of view which shows how self centered she has been. I've had a similar, but less exaggerated situation where i was accused of not caring but my point of view was that i just cared differently or that I take a number of considerations into account. just because it didnt align with the other person's point of view, doesnt mean I didnt care.
1b: hehe he fakes her out (says it wasnt about her)
1b: closure across the board
1a=20240615, 1b=20240616
Watched first half 20240615, second half 20240616 (Netflix, Instant)
The Edge of Seventeen (2016) Kelly Fremon Craig. 104 min

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