The Accountant (2016)

The movie has some difficult plot points to follow but the action and overall story were fun to watch. The idea of a functional autistic assassin/accountant reminds me of Dexter. What other characters exist in this space? I guess it can be eye opening for people who have neurodivergent children and want them to be normal when instead it seems better to try to set goals. Perhaps my favorite part of the movie in that vein is when Anna Kendrick's character tells the story of her dress and how she, like Ben Affleck's character, just wanted to fit in. So despite being neurotypical (or at least relatively so) she and him shared that desire to fit in. But I think what society needs is to normalize accepting differences.

Netflix determined the movie for me as a 98% match. I decided to give the movie neither a thumbs up nor a thumbs down.

20240803 Comment:
Rating: 4.6/5

Instant Comments:
touching that it was the girl who came over to give him the missing piece
smile completed the puzzle upside down
hehe trying to help them
I don't exactly understand the legality of the threat he's making. she expected the records to be sealed and hes using it as leverage
loud music and flashinf lights... how odd
why does the father refuse therapy?
the old man finds a mile out to be impressve. i have no reference. [Snipers typically operate at ranges between 600 and 1,200 meters (3/8 and 3/4 mile) and record is 2 miles]
huh. she just had to make a call to someone she knew to get footage on the guy? why didnt the guy that hired her have the resources to collect this type of evidence?
hehe "do you understand the rules?"
that's a lot of story told in reverse. i got the gist but not completely.
why most guys still ducking and he stands? is that smart?
hmm in a situation loke this where their numbers are greater, I would have assumed full lighting is best
in this hand to hand fight... is this the last giy. otherwise why not converge on location and communicate better
whoa. had to watch again. he took the grenade and stuffed it under the kevlar and held it there
uh... is that his brother? no fucking way
hehe... fired without hesitation after the man's speech [he finished what he told his handler, I'm gonna find the person that wants to kill her and I'm going to kill them]
hehe he says "you wont, Ill find you." I couldn't help but think of Ben Affleck's Batman
smile. he gifted justine a supercomputer
smile. dogs playing poker.
ooo actually Pollack (which I didnt write as a guess but it seemed foreshadowed that he would gift the Pollack to her)
one autism consultant and five or so mathematician consultants
Watched 20240620 (Netflix, Instant)
The Accountant (2016) Gavin O'Connor. 128 min

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