School of Rock (2003)

Netflix determined the movie for me as a 98% match. I decided to give the movie neither a thumbs up nor a thumbs down.
Rating: 4.6/5

Instant Comments:
corded phone
haha doesn't know how to spell Schneebly
that's crazy how much gear he has in van
I get he's doing this all selfishly, but it would have been much cooler and revolutionary if the entire class was involved in the band itself as opposed to various things like security and equipment [though I guess there's an element of real life...]. I imagine what would happen is some kids have a hidden talent.
haha. "What about pig rectum?"
Hehe. Just quoting song lyrics.
"loosey goosey baby loosey goosey"
how do the other classrooms not hear the constant music playing?
Ha. "Ms. Mullins, you're the Man." "Thank you, Freddie."
Hehe. Slightly hypocritical: he chews the adults out for hanging out with the 10 year old but he himself is taking advantage of them
oh "hammer of the gods"
oh I see. they show how they hide the instruments. I was wondering about that earlier.
hehe. E=MC squared
that beer is probably just colored water. no head. no signs of carbonation
haha phrasing "touched"
this end with Jack Black saying to play Zack's song is emotional and wins over kind of his lying to the kids
hehe. what category is this? alternative soft rock?
oh nice she got a solo
Haha. they caught him
Awww. the bassist didn't get a solo [apparently they did a reunion concert in 2010 where she gets to give the second solo: the guitarist and drum solo were good, but her solo was my favorite]

Watched 20240123 (Netflix, Instant)
School of Rock (2003) Richard Linklater. 109 min

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