Joker (2019)

Rating: 4.8/5
Instant Comments:
this level of dark... the way he laughs, his psychotic nature, his journal, etc... all make for an appealing Joker (as opposed to the Joker in DCEU).
aww. his mom said "dont you have to be funny". I guess it makes sense to be realistic at times but it still must hurt to hear
hehe I had a feeling there'd be a bullet in the chamber. luckily he just shot the wall
with the flickering lights, I think they're going to be the first people he shots
wow. that first shot left a splatter
huh. his standup eventually goes well. I'm surprised
she looks dead in the chair, even though she could have fallen asleep while watching tv
wow. that's quite a twist (it's implied he's a basyard child of Thomas Wayne)
I think I figured sooner he'd probably kill Thomas Wayne but perhaps now more so (he tears out the photo in the newspaper, with Bruce in the photo)
huh. Alfred says Arthur's mother was delusional. I absolutelt did not consider that possibilty
huh. they got a clip of him and reveals that his show was a bomb but that means his date was being super supportive
i guess Thomas Wayne is a tad more trustworthy than Arthur's mother, but only tad becausw he's still rich and political.
oh wow. in her surprise here it seems perhaps all other situations were delusional? [ok they show scenes with and without her... but were they always that way even hinted to us?]
omg ambulence... did he kill her? poor little girl if so. I really hope not
if he killed his mom. the cops who were suspecting him in the crime would probably suspect him in murdering his mom. same for the neighbor
wow that's tense with Gary not being able to reach the lock
hmm how does he get away from that?
oh he got arrested
hmm what is this ending mean. is that the social worker? ("just thinking of a joke" "you wouldnt get it")

Watched 20240411 (Netflix, Instant) (Last day to watch 20240430)
Joker (2019) Todd Phillips. 122 min

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