Watched 20140105 (Blu-ray)
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013) J.J. Abrams. 132 min
Kirk (Chris Pine) and Spock (Zachary Quinto). |
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Star Trek Into Darkness (
The Klingon (Sean Blakemore) who speaks to Uhura. |
Star Trek (reboot):
Star Trek (2009)
Star Trek Into Darkness (2013)
Khan (Benedict Cumberbatch). |
Star Trek (2009) is a great movie, if I had to choose between it and the sequel,
Star Trek Into Darkness, then I would choose the sequel.
"Damn it, man!" exclaims Bones (Karl Urban) to Kirk. "That was our ride. You just stunned our ride!" |
In particular, I definitely have to mention that Benedict Cumberbatch did an amazing job as Khan.
Carol (Alice Eve) |
Instant Comments:
"Wait, are you guys fighting?" [...] "OMG, what is that even like?"
[...] "Enough with the metaphors, alright? That's an order."
Sulu (John Cho). |
That scene with the lingerie seemed forced. They showed it for like two seconds. I mean seriously, they should have made something of it or not at all.
"It's okay I've done it before." [Khan looks over to Kirk in comic disbelief.]
Scotty (Simon Pegg) and Kirk argue. |
Questions Spock about Khan. See
Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (1982).
"Vulcans do not lie, the torpedos are yours."
Uhura (Zoƫ Saldana) speaking Klingon. |
I don't understand why the ship tilted back and forth instead of spinning.
I watched "Creating the Red Planet."
Chekov (Anton Yelchin) |
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