Lucy (2014)

I have mixed feelings about the movie. The philosophical tidbits were interesting, but it's unclear if the path taken was sensible. If there is meaning to it, perhaps the movie is saying that our journey for knowledge is filled with violence. But, for example, in the end, the one Korean drug boss was looking to kill Lucy. What is his interest in killing her? I think understanding character motivation is important when trying to process a story.

Netflix determined the movie for me as a 98% match. I decided to give the movie neither a thumbs up nor a thumbs down.
Rating: 2.0/5

Instant Comments:
His insistency on the situation makes it much more extreme than he's claiming it to be (and now with the handcuffs)
And after sending in Lucy, he's still sticking around outside... which makes it even more suspicious... why would he have her do the drop if he's gonna stand right outside?
Hmm. I guess this situation seems realistic (trusting what's in the case and the suspense of her opening it), but it's quite boring to watch
Apparently it's only a myth that we use 10% of our brains. According to articles, we typically use 100% of our brains across the day
Hehe. He offers her a drink
Oh snaps. (He broke open the drugs and her body is consuming it internally)
Hmm. I'm not sure what the impact of the drugs on her brain would allow her to have the courage to shoot people, even if she had the precision/accuracy to shoot people. Perhaps confidence?
Hehe. She's begun to synthesize the language... I suppose it's a visual cue. I think understanding would be possible, but not translation. Well, perhaps translation is a byproduct.
I guess her brain is like a machine learning algorithm. But how would her brain determine how to use weapons without a source?
Her reading of his mind is a cool visual
Huh. She didn't kill him.
In her talk with the scientist... it seems she's just passively creating knowledge with all the brain capacity she has
Whoa, she just changed her hair color
Why does she need the cops to stop these guys when she could herself stop them with but a thought
What is the value of the drug to the Koreans that they would enter this firefight... they should just let it go and cut their loss

Watched 20240720 (Netflix, Instant) (Last day to watch 20240731)
Lucy (2014) Luc Besson. 89 min

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