Warcraft (2016)

While I haven't played any games in the Warcraft series, I have played Heroes of the Storm which is a mix of characters from StarCraft, Warcraft, Diablo, and Overwatch. As such, I was unable to tell whether or not the movie closely followed the lore of Warcraft, but I certainly have an opinion about the look of the characters. I felt the detail of the appearances of the orcs was great. I felt less impressed by the appearance of most of the human characters, including Medivh. There were some scenes where Medivh looked the part, but I felt generally he did not look the role of a powerful sorceror.

Netflix determined the movie for me as a 98% match. I decided to give the movie neither a thumbs up nor a thumbs down.
Rating: 2.8/5

Instant Comments:
Medivh. I recognize that name from Heroes of the Storm
Murky [oh, Murky is a murloc, and probably that was just a generic murloc]
Huh. I expected Medivh to look older or perhaps bigger.
He looks more the part with his clothes on
Ah. the caption says the sorceror orc is named Gul'Dan; he's a playable character in Heroes of the Storm
Huh. It seems she was the one born and saved by Gul'Dan; it seems her mother was executed though... and yet in the other seen we saw the one orc [Durotan] holding a child... I had wondered if that might be a flashback... but it wouldn't align with Garona saying her mother was killed for giving birth to her
In this scene, Durotan is likely a different orc type [clan] from Garona
A lightning shield... seems like a strange choice for a defensive spell.
Durotan's baby is green meaning it is infused with Fel...
Ah, same as Garona
hehe. "Do I go in?" "I don't know. It's never done that before."
Hmm.. "From light comes darkness" makes sense. As darkness is the absense of light. But "And from darkness light."
Hmm. Lothar believes Garona betrayed them while Khadgar doesn't believe it
the ending makes Go'el seem special but I didn't understand why. I looked it up and apparently Go'el is Thrall; I only know him as a playable character in Heroes of the Storm, but that would imply he's a key character in the Warcraft universe

Watched 20240719 (Netflix, Instant)
Warcraft (2016) Duncan Jones. 123 min

Relevant Links:
Warcraft (IMDb.com)
Warcraft (RottenTomatoes.com)
Warcraft (Wikipedia.org)

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