S1E02 - Three Robots
hehe they completely missed basketball (but I've thought about this philosophically. how fleeting our existence must be in the grand scheme of things)
xbot 3 to 4000
20230604 #1

S1E07 - Beyond the Aquila Rift
i would hate being put to sleep like that. unless it were an emergency. but for travel... who knows might go wrong
this woman is probably the cause of the error... but why
huh okay so this crew member sees through this greta person
20230604 #2

S1E16 - Ice Age
it was a really creative episode. it's interesting they managed to survive the atomic bomb explosions, leading to "success," which was really magical. and then the twist with a coincidental new ape-like species (by coincidental I mean I feel like the chances of a similar ape-like evolution from scratch occurring to be highly unlikely).

S1E01 - Sonnie's Edge
barefoot and bleeding
the one crew member is shirtless with only the jacket covering her breasts - it's a very futuristic steam punk style
ooo fluorescent body paint
oh nice. I was wondering what kind of announcer would be brave enough to stand down there. though perhaps I figure he could just be replaced. then to my surprised he disappeared.
what a dangerous sport to watch
huh the male "driver" is very conscious compared to the female driver who's more like meditating
wow. absolutely disgusting. it's interesting
"everyone sees what they want to see" (holy shit)
"neat trick. not good enough"
"Are you scared now?" Smile.
20230619 #1

S1E06 - When the Yogurt Took Over
the narrator sounds like Brain from Pinky and the Brain. [yes, it is Maurice LaMarche]
smile. "We... want... Ohio"
20230619 #2

S1E18 - The Secret War
interesting, i didn't know you would have held such a gun by supporting the ammocartridge
(they know we're here) I wonder what the twist will be. I feel like just a zombie short would be... too simple
hmm for them to be flanked from behind seems like bad positioning
ouch, that head slice.
smart. "yes, I can, but I should not"
"Father, please."
Wow. He shot himself. I suppose that saves some pain...
hmm my expectation of a twist didn't work for this episode. rather this episode is more about... I suppose mistakes (the occultist summoning monsters) and bravely dealing with the mistakes (while there are signs of independent thought, for the most part the soldiers follow orders and their mission)

S1E05 - Sucker of Souls
hmm. "sucker of souls" is it a vampire?
wow that body split was visually spectacular (cool despite being unreal)
the endless jokes
hehe the twist
20230624 #1

S1E03 - The Witness
the animation style here is really beautiful. so many colors. intense to match the setting
so... when he opens the door and she fusses with the gun, I get this feeling the twist has to do with time travel. interestingly however, it's not quite that and their positions are reversed. actually at the beginning due to the lipstick, I would have thought they were twins but that wouldnt have explained why the lipstick was smeared exactly the same.
20230624 #2

S1E04 - Suits
when the bug one comes im thinking that the random thing in his field from earlier might come into play
oh, ok, it does get used here but very simple
20230624 #3

S1E08 - Good Hunting
after the ending... it's interesting how the story began. i was fearing perhaps she would have betrayed him. instead it just seems they were a good pair of friends and it was cool he was abke to help her transform as a machine into a fox.
20230624 #4

S1E09 - The Dump
hehe so this monster is to be named otto?
20230624 #5

S1E10 - Shape-Shifters
wow, nice moves (play dead)
damn head bite...
20230624 #6

S1E12 - Fish Night
i thought they woke up under the sea, or perhaps just a dream. but what ended up happening was more magical [at least initially]
20230624 #7

the fish night i thought would be last one but watch more

S1E11 - Helping Hand
not even tethered? i would definitely tether
and there you go... honestly... why not have a backup.
i feel like another backup is several disposable blocks to throw away
yikes. intense. i suppose the will to survive would allow one to endure such pain.
20230624 #8

S1E17 - Alternate Histories
nice to end noghtbon a humorous episode
20230624 #9

S1E13 - Lucky 13
Jeez. That's bad odds. 9 times out of 10.
Hmm. A hero move (saves the other troop and doesn't even spare a man)
Even if they don't survive this, well many of the men wouldn't have survived anyways.
Wow. The ship waited.
20230628 #1

S1E15 - Blindspot
Huh... but they're robots. What's the life of a robot mean?
20230628 #2

S1E14 - Zima Blue
Wow. When he tells Claire his origin story... To learn why Zima Blue was so essential to his paintings.
20230628 #3

S2E01 - Automated Customer Service
wow. vacuubot whitelist... I guess the story as a warning on the entire smart internet of things is a bit scary...

S2E02 - Ice
we werent shown what is the deal with mod but the older (unmodded) brother saving the younger (modded) brother... that was a good moment in the episode. I was thinking there was a chance the older brother would die.

S2E03 - Pop Squad
wow that was really fast decision making. he had perhaps a couple seconds to choose to shoot to kill his coworker to preserve the realization that having kids is worth it.

S2E04 - Snow in the Desert
freaky. I didn't expect her to open her eyes like that
I suppose she wouldn't kill him since she seemed to have saved him. perhaps that easily earned his trust which was her plan
huh I thought she was a robot (she gets shot)
twist. (Snow is saved)
hmm she explains her status as a human brain and spinal cord in a synthetic body.

S2E5 - The Tall Grass
Was told not to wander. Decides to wander.

S2E6 - All Through the House
hehe. I thought it was gonna determine William bad.
hehe stay good
"it's just what I wanted"
they wonder what would have happened if they weren't good
and apparently it's left a mystery

S2E7 - Life Hutch
why would a maintenence robot, even one that was malfunctioning, be so aggressive? [perhaps it has a different function?]
his broken hand was the icon for the episode
intense... but why switch the strategy? he could have continued using the flashlight, right? [I suppose for the viewer that would have been boring]

S2E8 - The Drowned Giant
rightmost icon looks like a penis in a tent
huh the giant's face moved (he arrived later on the afternoon and a woman is in the ear)
hehe "pizzle"
hehe mislabeled as belonging to a whale
wow... what a story. very light and more philosophical than many of the darker stories throughout this anthology that are more focused on action and violence

S3E1 - Three Robots: Exit Strategies
These robots again.
Smile. "I could, but I won't. Catch your own fish you disgusting meatbag."
Chuckle. They're laughing about the irony of tech millionaires
I don't understand in many of these cases how the humans would die in these positions.
Ah, the flamethrowers at least explain the dead at the fence.
If I were to guess... perhaps robots made it out?
HA! "Who were you expecting, Elon Musk?"

S3E2 - Bad Traveling
Huh. They seem poorly equipped to deal with dangerous sea creatures.
WTF. "Now that we've chosen a leader..."
Holy crap. The creature was able to communicate by manipulating the man.
He boldly walked past the big guy with his back to him.
Voting. Thus far this person shows a sort of just decision making process.
Ah, I thought that perhaps the way they folded the papers and thrown it in would have keyed him in on who each paper belonged to... but he took matters into his own hands... clever
Indeed. I figured the aim was to kill two in one shot, but why did the one sitting on the post flinch. Did he not know what he voted?
Oh no. Babies.
This guy is so smart. He's definitely not gonna just be sleeping there...
"Every one of you made an 'X'" ('X' means traveling to Phaiden Island)
"Shell protects." "It's not for you." [I don't get it. Perhaps the thanopod thought that Torrin was implying the oil would be to protect it, but Torrin clarified that it's not?]
I thought the thanopod knows how to swim.

S3E3 - The Very Pulse of the Machine
Old Earth Poems
Uh. Always wear your seatbelt?
Wow. How inconvenient... the tank is built-in forcing her to drag along her dead coworker
She's delusional. No way Burton could be alive.
Wow. "What does this sound like?" Reveal.
"Throw self in."
What a trip... ("maybe just one last dream before dying")
It is revealed that the combination is successful. The new Martha reaches out to Earth Station.

S3E4 - Night of the Mini Dead
Neat short. It seems as if everything will take place on this miniature set.
Hehe. Sex.
Oh the set changges. Lovely. And must be a lot of work... all these different locations.
Well... perhaps it's actually computer animated and meant to look like it was all built. Very realistic. [see this VFX Breakdwon:]
Hehe. Four monks fighting off the lot of zombies.
"Shoot'em in the dick."
Hehe. Nucleaer zombies.
Smile. Penguins.

S3E5 - Kill Team Kill
Hehe. "Honey badger. Honey badger don't give a shit."
Huh. They were not tactical about that at all.
Hehe. "This is where I come to jerk off."
How come all the other persons died when there was all that gear? (waiting for the Barghest)
Yikes. (the guy the demise of the guy who led them there)
Hehe. No hope... The pet robot died
Hehe. "I fucked her sister."
Hehe. End.
During credits there are audio clips

S3E6 - Swarm
so far very beautiful ("it can take us further into the nest") but whats the danger or twist... if I were to guess then for some reason he will die because of some greed
hehe she asks him for his true purpose
organic machines (I interpret this as just what humans are...)
I love how they float through the air
she's been so lonely she falls in love with this guy who has bad intentions
oh no... has he disrupted the natural state of things with his artificial pheromes?
hehe most likely destroy yourselves... intelligence as a trait
[20231111: while a human may understand the Swarm as just a combination of species, I personally see it as fitting into my world view that there's a higher level evolution as one goes upwards. So as a real life example, here on Earth, we have the evolution of cultures and societies. Then collectively, we have the evolution of all of Earth. It seems that the entire planet which is collectively the Swarm has evolved over a time period much longer than the small component species of humans. The evolution scale is so large that the planet is itself practically a superhuman in that certain species are the equivalent of antibodies generated to wipe out threats.]

S3E7 - Mason's Rats
oh no the cat (Susan)
"Christ on a bike"
hehe the rats are fighting back against the scorpion
aww... (he sides with the rats) - I guess he figured the robot was inhumane

S3E8 - In Vaulted Halls Entombed
why don't they just full out run... did shooting seem to help the rate of advancement? the sheer number of bullet's doesn't match up
Sarge killing the two persons... what does thay say about him?
I guess... this character [Harper] will survive and Sarge will die (Sarge wants to investigate)
"release me" (why doesn't it seem to work on Harper)
oh... welp... kind of strange as perhaps there was bugs creatures put in place as a defense mechanism to keep the creature there [either Cthulhu or some kind of eldritch deity] but for such a long time it finally found someone to release ot because.... well whatever trapped it there, why not just destroy it instead of just trapping [20231111: well perhaps in such fiction, it is commonly impossible or near impossible to destroy such entities and so trapping is the next best thing, but the entrance to the prison seems too easy for persons to enter; perhaps the entrance was secure enough against more primitive humans, but with guns and bombs the dangerous creatures blocking the entrance are an insufficient defensive mechanism...; to which I would still ask, why not just seal the entrance entirely]

S3E9 - Jibaro
Yikes this is so intense.
Why isn't the one soldier affected?
Oh right. He's deaf. (Earlier he was signing with someone else)
Huh. Is he chasing after cause of his greed or something else. Maybe kill her? And what is her intention? To just make sure no one is left alive? But if so, why not just kill him in his sleep?
Wow. He hears and it's so jarring he tries to redefen himself.
Dance-like movement

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