Demon Slayer: Kimetsu no Yaiba

Overview: Tanjiro Kamado's family is killed by demons except for his younger sister Nezuko who is cursed to become one - though somehow appears to retain aspects of her humaness which gives hope to Tanjiro to turn her back into a human. As part of this, Tanjiro trains with Sakonji Urokodaki to become a demon slayer.

Tanjiro Kamado

20210403 AM:
in the morning of today, like around 2am. I started watching the first five episodes of demon slayer. Ada recently finished the anime - it was introduced to her from her coworkers. 10:17 PM

episode 3. the end was like, hmm so why did he slice through the boulder when he thought he sliced through the mask. but they revealed the answer at the end of that episode.

episode 4. was cool because that seemed like a tough demon and the whole boulder thing seemed relevant. though I guess it makes the whole selection process somewhat random and unsafe. like compared to goblet of fire where a contestant could get killed but there were guardrails to prevent it where possible. basically, there should exist a tap out option.

Nezuko Kamado

regarding the randomness, like a candidate can get through without meeting a particular demon. also certain demons are just getting stronger, so probably those that are too strong should be eliminated. also he reached the end as if there was an end. I thought the thing was timed as a seven day survival, not a journey to reach some end...

anyways, the plot twist was that there were 5 finishers instead of 4. presumably one finished much earlier than the others. again, that's different than what seems to be set out as rules. oh, the whole scent thing becoming more useful is interesting. also basically that he appears to have a gift to interact with the dead? his brother rescued him awake to be conscious and the whole thing with his training... 10:28 PM

Zenitsu Agatsuma

episode 5 was interesting in that he smelled his ore and that his color turned black. though wasnt the sword handed to him by his teacher also a demon sword. did that change color? did he have an advantage there over other contestants? given the number that made it out, it would seem that the rigor of training of initials contestents is lacking. like is there a lack if standard when it comes to knowing what it takes. shouldn't these candidates be exposed to a single demon or two in the wild first... it seems like some sort of buddy or big brother big sister system would be more useful 10:33 PM


20210404 AM:
hmm. if he has a wife how does he have time to travel so far to the middle of nowhere to feast. also I guess the vampiric idea of turning never made sense to me. that muzan can just swipe to turn someone is even more ridiculous. 1:14 AM

I was reading up and I guess the lore is potentially about adding good members... because... maybe you need to fight those that hunt you. like a gang. there's a need to grow and add members otherwise the police fbi etc would catch everybody. 1:25 AM

Inosuke Hashibira

hehe. second form improved. lateral water wheel. not sure how it got around the arrow business but sure, lol 2:08 AM

the beginning of the next episode somewhat explains how Tanjiro handled the arrows. he said he collected the arrows. he seems fine for a broken leg and ribs lol. ah, right, Nezuko viewed them like humans. 2:30 AM


Mugen Train Arc

Ep 1:
Whoa. Slashed off the hands.
Oh yeah. I forgot about this "Total Concentration Breathing"
Huh. Why is he limping? How come he couldn't just heal his leg.
Ha! "I win!" No contest
His father.
Smile. "Tasty!"

Ep 2:
In the credits, the flame hashira's father looks over to someone lying in bed
Heh. The Flame Hashira has an interesting personality and way of speaking.
Huh. He said he hasn't seen a person with a black sword become a hashira. Well a hashira specializes deeply in one form. Perhaps being not the best at one but fairly good at all five is a different level of strength.
What's with this gloomy conductor. Is it him?
Ooo. Twist. Conductor disappears with people after the light flashs off.
Does the demon have something to gain from having them sleep? Why not just kill them? [She explains in Episode 4]
I guess the possibilities are the Hashira wakes because he's obviously strong, Tanjiro wakes because he is the protagonist with unknown power cap, and Nezuko wakes up because she was in a box and overlooked.

Ep 3:
"What kind of survival instinct is this?"
Hehe. Puts on the woods and says "Nezuko, ready?"
Why are there these errors in the dream? Is it a strength of Tanjiro or weakness of the demon?
Interesting. Tanjiro tries to wake himself.
Can't smell. Maybe try the concentration breathing? [Tanjiro just then questions it, and then someone appears]
Holy moly. Slash his own neck. As he said, what if the effect inside the dream reflects the outside... Too risky. [though I guess that's the only interpretation of "within your reach"; my own thinking though would be to question the apparition]

Ep 4:
Smile. "So I'm gonna kill you."
Hmm. So this girl seems to speak as if she's addicted to the dreams given to her
She explains what seems to be "roundabout." Essentially she gets off on it.
Her narration about Tanjuro's ability to wake up and his willpower is effective storytelling (whereas sometimes narration ruins the moment)
She's so cocky to have explained her plan. While she's fused with the train, she should still theoretically have a head somewhere.

Ep 5:
Hehe. Zenitsu comes to protect Nezuko. He says someting very cool. Wha. He's still sleeping!?!
The Hashira is more experienced and informs Tanjiro to search for the head.
Ooo close one. Almost tricked into slicing his neck in the real world.
He was able to use a fire attack again.

Ep 6:
Hehe. Her final words.
Whoa. Stop the bleeding with concentration bleeding. And for the Hashira to know the status along the entire process...
Hmm... is this a higher rank demon? [he is Upper Rank Three; on this note I went to review the rankings. What had happened at the end of the first season was that we learned there were Twelve Kizuki, which were composed of six Upper Ranks and six Lower ranks. We had met Rui who was Lower Rank Five, Tanjiro did somewhat well against him, but it took the Water Hashira to finish him off. Afterwards, Muzan destroyed the remaining Lower Rank except for Enmu, Lower Rank One. She was ordered to kill Tanjiro. She was the main antagonist of this Mugen Train Arc and that explains why she was happy that Tanjiro came to her]
Hehe. The trope of speed. Tanjiro can't track them. They look like flashing lights. This reminds me of Ichigo's progression in BLEACH.
What an intense fight. But apparently one-sided.

Ep 7:
Hmm. Did the Flame Hashira ever introduce himself by name?
The demon ability to heal seems OP. Is there no such thing as an anti-heal?
"Ninth form, Rengoku."
Whoa. Into the chest, twisted, and back up through the head. Does that count as a head slice?
What a throw.
What emotion!!!
Wow. I thought they would have destroyed this Upper Rank Three. In particular, I thought he would destroy the forest top and expose the demon to the sun.
"Set your heart ablaze."
I guess the story is more impactful with his death, but it's unfortunate to lose such a cool character.

Entertainment District Arc

Ep 1:
Oh shit. It's Muzan. For some reason I thought this was going to be like his backstory, but it's just him in disguise.
Lol. Brutal. And it seems that Muzan's blow was so powerful the Upper Rank Three didn't immediately heal. With that being said, there must be a reason Muzan does not just have Tanjiro killed, or kill Tanjiro himself
Sun Breathing.
Does his new sword remain black?

Ep 2:
Hehe they consider Inosuke's face to be more beautiful without makeup

Ep 3:
So we learn this demon is Upper Rank Six [Daki] Huh. She just flat out dropped this woman.
I briefly read an article that distinguishes a "geisha" from an "oiran," and how these terms compare to "courtesan." The Wikipedia artilce further repeats this information.

Ep 4:
That is pretty cool. "Show me my current ranking" and it shows up on his hand
Ooo. He's going for the attack. Gutsy.
Hmm. He has resolve. "It's not a matter of if I can do it. I have to!"
Holy fuck. He dislocuated his shoulders and fit through the hole
Hehe. "Maybe you should stay asleep like this the whole time."

Ep 5:
Hmm. His interpretation is that he has to be born with a mark... but it doesn't seem necesary.
Whoa. His speed.
I suppose it'd be nice for Tanjiro to defeat Daki but it's not the end of the season yet.
She says it must be Lord Muzan's memories.
If she gets stunned when a belt returns to her, seems like that would be her weakness. If in fact she does get stunned - that's what it seemed before.
Oh no. He cut the head but it's still hanging on by a belt.
"But for some reason they're moving so slowly."
So close. "Brother please, you have to breathe." He almost killed himself hehe. But that was amazing.
Whoa. Nezuko just leveled up. Fast regeneration, leaves, and a horn.

Ep 6:
Hehe. She regenerated her limbs midway to complete the kick. Though why Daki couldn't just go straight for the neck seems like a plothole.
Hehe. Zenitsu still asleep

Ep 7:
Hmm. That smile from Nezuko after crushing Daki's leg seemed sinister
Holy moly. She got her head chopped off but connected [from the coagulated blood]
Nezuko power level in this form is clearly greater tha Upper Rank Six.
Huh. He chopped her head off upon entering?
Ooo. Lightning reaction. The Hashira didn't stop to wait for anything, flashed in to attempt to deal a killing strike. But the demon reacted quickly in response.

Ep 8:
He's holding one of the two blades by the tip to extend the reach
He has the spirit of the Flame Hachira. His voice sometimes sounds like the Flame Hashira.
Hehe. "Does it look like I care..."
"Fifteen for me, and seven for my sister."
That they haven't been poisoned yet (Zenitsu, Tanjiro, and Inosuke) seems to be quite a feat considering the Hashira has been poisoned
Huh. If stopping regeneration was as easy as this (lacing a weapon with Wisteria) then why isn't it more popular [I read various possible reasons which is enough to convince me why it isn't more commonly used][spoiler: in the next episode, such poison on this Upper Rank Six was not so effective]

Ep 9:
Hmm. Fighting with a box on his back seems like extra weight.
Huh. He blended the two.
Holy moly. Has he done that before. Sixth form. Sawing it off
Hehe. Running away with the head. Is the head have any power?

Ep 10:
Tanjiro blames himself for everything
Lol. Then you haven't met Upper Rank Three who ran away from a fight...
Holy Moly.
Godlike Speed (he explained his cap is twice, and he used it once to break out of the rubble)
Is he gonna use Flame Hashira's tip ("Set your heart abalaze")
Oh nice. Inosuke. I was thinking earlier he would miss out on destroying the Upper Rank Six.
Hmm. Wonder how they survived that self-destruction

Ep 11:
Nice. Nezuko saves them.
Hehe. How cute, Nezuko gives Tanjiro a piggy back ride.
Sometimes the reactions in this show are too much. They can really tone it down a little.
A magical cat. Is this the first time we've seen such a cat as collecting the blood
How cruel of them two say these mean things to each other...

Swordsmith Village Arc

Ep 1:
he mentions sole blemish on my family
Ada identifies the dessert being brought in: castella
I'm not sure based on the explanation that there is a method to hide the location in that way. the final person to arrive must know the way...
overall this episode opened with a lot of boring story drama on the villain side and some character stuff on Tanjiro... Tanjiro seeing the man from his dream at the end was mildly interesting. and I suppose the secret weapon was mildly interesting, but how would one even begin to find a secret weapon.

Ep 2:
This man he recognized from his dream appears to be a puppet of some sort.
The puppet has his earrings.
New technique. Smell.
Wha... the secret sword

Ep 3:
the sword is rusty (Ada commented this out loud, and I had thought it was blood)
aww... he braided her hair [oh like the hashira woman][Mitsuri Kanroji]
ah so that's the knowledge; the demons had learned of the location of the village
so cute the three of them pondering with head tilted
hmm the demon fearlessly approaches the demon slayers

Ep 4:
huh memory loss... that's why he feels something familiar about Nezuko? but what
nice. I didn't write it but I figured the weaker split rule would apply (as opposed to the hydra type split)

Ep 5:
huh... the demon who spawns these fish demon... the fish demon don't seem very strong/useful
hehe she was carrying him and now he is carrying her
Nezuko grabs hold of the blade
huh is there another reason Nezuko is holding on?
his scar
hmm this move didn't exhaust him?
he seems to explain it as being less straining because now he knows he can do it
lol Kanroji showing how she shealths her curly sword

Ep 6:
interesting. couldn't slash it

Ep 7:
can he really defeat an upper rank? this demon probably has some special ability
Tanjiro sees the demon with 5 symbols asking if its a sixth demon. Ada says they combined
smart kid (breathes his air into the water)
hmm shares his father's eyes... is that just a coincidence?

Ep 8:
Funny that he speaks like his brother [he soon says he suspects he started doing so after his amnesia]
wow. what a backstory. killed a demon in his rage.
it stands for infinity
uh... that ending was confusing. is he saying he is not Muichiro. from the way he speaks it would align. but very confusing as he was telling the story the different way. maybe he doesn't know. maybe he has dissociative identity disorder or similar [perhaps I misheard and he said his brother's name or I misunderstood something][20231028: the Demon Slayer wiki page for Muichiro says that the death of his brother triggered the memory loss and he had begun acting more like his older brother Yuichiro. However, in this episode, he slowly regains his memory and original disposition]
Ada recognizes that the woman is the mother of the the two twin girls [in hindsight that's exactly what Muichiro said: that she was the wife of the master]

Ep 9:
haha. critiques the vase
"So tell me. What made you think you were the only one not taking this seriously?"
wow. Muichiro made this defeat of an upper rank seem easy. so easy that I doubted it
hehe super sliced
the Flame Hashira's guard
in his seeing his family members, the brother said "Muichiro, you did great."
so graceful
Netflix informs 2 episodes to go

Ep 10:
huh Tanjiro didn't get his new sword yet
how will he need/get it?
will we get her backstory?
"That's not the main body!"
after the backstory she's ready to fight but she doesn't know where is the main body [she directs the three of them to find the main body]
a tattoo like Tanjiro and Muichiro, did other hashira's have it to? [at this point in the show, it appears that these three are the first among their generation to have it, it is known as the "Demon Slayer Mark"]
what kind of powers does Genya have?

Ep 11:
haha Genya throws a tree
hehe the thunder one [Zenitsu] makes an appearance via advice.
lol what a surprise. the demon grows in size
oh Genya is demon-like cause he ate demon flesh.
only honed to the first stage
Nezuko is pointing towards something else
I was wondering and asked Ada if he jumped off or if she pushed him off. Ada said Nezuko kicked him off. That would make sense given his reaction in the air
Tanjiro is sad but I figure the importance of Nezuko to the overall story would keep her from dying somehow
Ada says maybe Genya would rescue Nezuko, but I dont think so... Tanjiro had earlier observed Genya wouldn't have been able to make it down in time
Ada observes an object moving towards Tanjiro and figures it's her
interesting... human.
what an idiot, killing the doctor that was helping him
hmm. she sent the letter "won't be long before Miss Mezuko will conquer the sun"

Hashira Training Arc

Ep 1:
Hehe. Easy to kill but large in number. Cockroaches is such a good word choice
Perhaps that demon that disappeared right in front of them would still get punished (i.e., killed) for letting them see it.
Hahaha. Her description of getting the mark. Not far from Tanjiro's description [after she concludes, she's labeled "Tanjiro type"]
Hehe. Self-aware of his exact heart beat and and temperature
Hehe. The one hashira's insult. "Imagine you have such a simple mind that you think this is easy"
What exactly about the mark. They didn't finish. It means they will die sooner than normal? Or like after some time limit?
Hehe. While the narrative makes sense. There is, as the crow stated, no reason to trust his words. She could just come to the HQ and be killed. Even though we know that the situation is safe, she would easily be in her right not to trust and come. At the same time though... the goal of defeating Muzan sounds tempting. She would need a way to confrm the crow's message. Say there was a third party interested in her defeat. They send a crow that claims to be from Ubuyashiki trying to convince her to go to the Demon Slayer Headquarters. She believes the message, goes, and they have no knowledge of the message, but proceed to kill her anyways cause she's a demon.

Ep 2:

Ep 3:
I feel like given the exercise, I would have immediately called everyone to get closer together.
Lol. After about half the squad is gone he finally calls them together.

Ep 4:

Ep 5:
Ha! Straight into splits

Ep 6:

Ep 7:

Ep 8:
1: hehe. He tells Muzan if Muzan kills him it'll only make the Hashira more upset but Muzan doesn't care
1: Oh wow... Oh I thought Muzan blew up the entire place but apparently it was rigged
1: Hehe. Zenitsu actually one of the most calm upon falling into this demon world

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