Overview: A half-demon named Inuyasha and a girl named Kagome (who is the reincarnation of a priestess named Kikyo) team up in feudal Japan to recover the shards of the Shikon Jewel.
Ada was watching InuYasha and I joined while she was watching S2E18. She said she watched two episodes before that (S2E16 and 2E17). The battery ran out. 10:14 PM
Ada watched up to S2E20. I'm going back to watch missed episodes (S2E04-S2E05).
Ada was watching an episode, but I wanted to sync up, so I had us go back to S2E20.
Ada and I finished the second season today.
Today I went to investigate if I missed out on any episodes.
The first possible episode I didn't yet see was Episode 38 / S2E11. For the most part, I would say I don't recognize the episode. However, it feels like she's told her friends about Inuyasha before.
For Episode 39 / S2E12, I also didn't recognize the majority of it. I did recognize some of the later portion of the episode, but that is likely because it was recapped in the following episode.
Meanwhile, I recognized the plot summary of Episodes 40 to 41.
The last episode I watched for the night was Episode 42 / S2E15. At first I recognized clips from the first part and thought I saw the episode already. But upon skipping to the middle, I found that I didn't see the episode yet, so I went back to the beginning of the episode.
20210411: S1E01-S1E06
20210412: S1E07
20210413: S1E08-S1E11
20210417: S1E12-S1E15
20210420: S1E16-S1E21
20210421: S1E22-S1E23
20210422: S1E24-S1E25
20210427: S1E26-S1E27
20210428: S2E01-S2E03 (28 to 30)
20210511: S2E06-S2E10 (33 to 37)*
20210514: S2E13-S2E14 (40 to 41)**
20210518: S2E18-S2E19 (45 to 46)***
20210521: S2E04-S2E05 (31 to 32)
20210523: S2E20-S2E23 (47 to 50)
20210526: S2E24-S2E27 (51 to 54)
20210809: S2E11-S2E12, S2E15 (38 to 39, 42)
20210910: started S2E16 (43)
20210913: finished S2E16, S2E17-S2E18 (43 to 45)
20230331: started S3E01 (55)
20230401: finished S3E01, S3E02 (55 to 56)
20230403: started S3E03 (57)
20230404: finished S3E03 (57)
unknown: S3E04 (58)
20230410: S3E05 (59)
20230421: started S3E06 (60)
20230422: finished S3E06, started S3E07 (60 to 61)
20230423: finished S3E07, S3E08-S3E09 (61 to 63)
20230428: S3E10 (64)
20230429: S3E11 (65)
20230430: S3E12 (66)
20230501: S3E13, started S3E14 (67 to 68)
20230504: finished S3E14, S3E15-S3E18 (68 to 72)
20230505: S3E19-S3E21 (73 to 75)
20230506: S3E22-S3E23 (76 to 77)
20230508: S3E24 (78)
20230510: S3E25-S3E26 (79 to 80)
20230523: S3E27-S3E28 (81 to 82)
*The note I sent and the Netflix history don't align. I've encountered situations where I type in the next episode number but didn't watch the episode yet. In this case I would just have to give the benefit of the doubt to the note. Ruling: S2E10 was seen on 20210511.
**The Netflix history for 20210514 records S2E11-S2E15 (38 to 42). But I later determined I only watched episodes 40 to 41 (with Ada watching episodes 38 to 39 without me).
***The Netflix history for 20210518 records S2E16-S2E19 (43 to 46). According to my notes, it's likely that I haven't seen episodes 43 and 44 (S2E16 and S2E17, respectively). In 202109, I confirmed not having seen episodes 43 and 44. I also confirmed that I already saw episode 45.
Episode 31 / S2E04:
1: before they started talking, I thought about how Myoga is a wealth of information that we almost don't question. but in reality it's curious where he learns so much and often times conveniently divulges the info at the last minute.
1: haha scared of a worm but not of Jinenji... does seem peculiar.
1: hmm interesting ending with Inuyasha s feelings on being alone - it's not too far from how many of my foreign student colleagues felt or feel. I suppose even I felt like that at times. perhaps every person can feel alone in their own ways from time to time. for me, I often felt like different groups enjoyed hanging out with me, but seldom did I hang out with just one group compared to others and I had wondered if I was alone, this was at my first high school. but by the end of the second high school I definitely had more of a one group situation 5:05 PM
Episode 33 / S2E06:
1: Outcome is that Naraku is a half-demon.
Episode 35 / S2E08:
1: "you compelled me to save a human life today"
Episode 38 / S2E11
1: Haha. "I can't tell ya, it's a man-to-man promise."
1: Chuckle. Sorry for breaking the alarm clock.
Episode 42 / S2E15
1: "The arrow is made out of soul."
Episode 43 / S2E16
1b: I don't remember why I didn't finish the episode. Probably fell asleep. Resumed before kids hiding in the haystack
1a=20210910, 1b=20210913
Episode 44 / S2E17
1: I don't understand. Inuyasha never had the Tetsusaiga before, but was fine. [JP: Tessaiga, EN: Tetsusaiga]
Episode 45 / S2E18
A: Everytime I watch Kagura fly away spinning, I just can't help how ridiculous it looks.
Episode 48 / S2E21
1: I thought they would both enter the well.
1: interesting story by her mom.
1: I wondered if her grandfather is through her mom or her dad. 10:20 PM
1a: Started but got sleepy
1b: Resumed today back where Shippo gets the three boys to leave the girl alone
1a=20230331, 1b=20230401
1: he touched this girl's butt
1: hehe robbed
1: ha! everything was going great until he fondled her butt
1a: 100!?! She's gotta be dreaming
1b: Freaky. He turned to stone. [in the next episode preview, Kagome narrates and describes the enemy's power as "creepy"]
1a=20230403,1b=20230404 AM
1: Hehe. So much stuff.
1: Why were they so impatient? Couldn't they have stuck around and learned about techniques?
1: I almost thought he learned his lesson about the butt touching.
1a: Watched the intro (~5 minutes)
1b: Smile. The one student who enjoys classes.
1b: Leave her textbooks behind!?!
1b: This is the same woman who tried to meddle with Kikyo and Inuyasha a long time ago? [yes]
1b: Oh that's right, Kikyo is still a separate entity now
1a=20230421, 1b=20230422
1a: Hmm. But this situation is different. Kagome is visibly fighting control. Whereas in the other situation, Inuyasha was led to believe that Kikyo made the choice.
1a: "You didn't shoot that arrow. Don't worry about it." - Inuyasha
1a: Holy. She could do that? She just disappeared. "Heed my words, it is no idle threat."
1a: Speaking of which, Kikyo didn't ask further. Does she already know what the priestess did many years ago?
1a: Huh. The priestess isn't afraid of Kikyo's warning.
1b: Resume where Inuyasha has used the claw attack against the demon. The priestess repeats the warning for him not to use his sword. Though thinking about it, why does she care if he draws his sword and Kagome dies? To me, if Kagome dies, the priestess is suddenly defenseless against Inuyasha. Thus the preistess would really not want Kagome to die, only to force the handicap onto Inuyasha by holding Kagome hostage.
1a=20230422, 1b=20230423
1: Why aren't Sango and Miroku fighting?
1: Huh. I don't remember this attack. "Blades of Blood"
1: Oh that was Shippo and Kaede
1: "This is a world of your making. Tell me who you are." [earlier she said, "Are you me?"]
1: LOL. Again!?! These priestess just didn't know when to quit.
1: Huh. She already had the shikon jewel and couldn't do much with it. What else does she expect to do with it? Speaking of which, earlier enemies have just had shards of it and seemed to have posed more trouble than this.
1: I don't always watch the openings. But this opening looks new.
1: Okay, nice. Kagura basically said to this priestess what I had commented in the last episode: the priestess already had the shikon jewel in her possession and failed to win (with that being said, technically the same can be said of Naraku)
1: Hehe. They were able to categorize the majority of them: demon, monk, demon slayer, and despite Kagome's modern clothing, they figure she's a priestess. But for some reason (perhaps just for laughs) they lumped Kaede in with the Inuyasha and Shippo as a demon.
1: Giant chibi Inuyasha and Kagome
1: More butt rubbing...
1: Why is it called the forbidden tower of many treasures if it contains a powerful demon?
1: English audio: "He broke through that barrier?" English subtitle: "He's so reckless."
1: so greedy. she had the power for eternal life and she decides she has to kill inuyasha and his group for who knows why
1: that backlash move is very powerful... what demon would be able to counter it? in theory, the more powerful demon would suffer more from backlash wave...
1: huh so they never learned the story of what happened so long ago...
1: hehe silly side story of myoga running from shoga. but its kind of ignored how shoga amazingly has power to possess people
1: in the extra it says that she is a flea demon and she can possess anything she sucks blood from
1: I had fallen asleep trying to watch this and rewatched from 9 min mark or so
1: hehe Inuyasha jealous and perhaps rightly as Kagome is kind of nice to Koga
1: hmm Sesshomaru isn't tempted
1: Kagura is upset at sesshomaru but... it truly is her own weakness and essentjally what Sesshomaru said isn't wrong
1: lol how could she with two shards go against nuraku with an almost full shard even though he may be temporarily weak
1: oh no Inuyasha revealed his weakness... possibly [oh there's some ambiguity][a scene later and Kagura figures it out]
1b: resume where they get Kirara trapped by catnip.
1b: lol Inuyasha figures three more hits will change back, and it works
1b: hehe Shippo and this girl are equally matched
1b: Kagome thinks Soten is a boy, but Soten clarifies and says she's a girl. for some reason Shippo decides to stop fighting due to this realization
S3E15 S3E16 S3E17 S3E18
1: I had taken notes but must have taken them inside the browser and forgot to save them. In short, it seems like Inuyasha and Naraku are just about evenly matched with neither being able to defeat the other. But between the two, Naraku is the one to always gloat about his power. Various things I recall writing include the following:
- power creep. as Naraku gains power, Inuyasha gains power
- Kikiyo senses that Naraku was watching her, but how is he able to do that, and why doesn't he just do that with Muso?
- Naraku mocks Inuyasha for using his brain
- Inuyasha figures that Naraku got weaker without his having Muso as part of him
1: I liked this two-episode story with Shiori
1: So many barriers in the show now...
1: Ha! It looked like Miroku stood up because he was upset, but he went to ask a servant/maid to bear his child
1: Miroku is inspecting the marks. At first I'm thinking the lord would be a demon, but then it'd be unlikely that he'd hire Sango to eliminate himself.
1: Of course (Miroku places his hand on Sango's butt)
1: I figure, despite how it might seem to Inuyasha, I'm guessing Sesshomaru would use his healing blade.
1: Hmm... Naraku being able to escape without any sign better have a good explanation. Otherwise it just seems like a deus ex machina. Just when Inuyasha seems to have Naraku beat, he reveals a mysterious ability to vanish undetected by all. If he had this ability to be undetected, why didn't he do it before?
1: Inuyasha saves a little girl, brings Kagome lunch, and has a good night rest; mildly eventful, yet charming episode
Hehe. Fighting hair.
Hehe. Ayame identifies it: "could this be an unrequited love?"
what does he mean "freed from Naraku"?
huh are lunar rainbows possible? [yes]
hehe he remembers now
ha! "unlike some other guy he's not a two-timer"
hehe. Shippo just says everyone feels uneasy in a fact-of-the-matter kind of way
50% chance the princess is a demon or somehow tied to the events
hehe identified as an illusion
we are shown the princess gives them a look
why wouldn't they just go to meet the lord if that's already the source of the problem
hehe. predictable. well to be fair I only gave it a 50% chance.
smile. "After all I'm the stronger one."
Hehe. "Save us, Dog God."
Hehe. A second rock.
Hehe. Shippo's style matches that of the monkeys making for an equal fight
Seems like such a powerful spell. Why wouldn't more characters learn such spells that can't be broken...
hehe. she actually has a cold
gathered so much ingredients for Kagome
awww... "school seems like so much fun"
unlike many of the demon fighting episodes which feel like filler, this episode actually has substance and is interesting to watch
Kagome willing to drink it cause Inuyasha made it... even though it probably tasted super disgusting
aww... his mother. I guess... similar to me. whenever I or my wife get sick, I make remedies based on what my mom used to do for me
his mother again....
smile. Kagome sees Sota practicing say "I love you" to Inuyasha. her reaction
hehe. all four "Banzai!"
hehe. Kagome and Inuyasha look at each other.
hehe. "evil spirit begone with you"
why do the woman love him?
haha. "pick someone important"
hehe it is revealed why Hachi impersonating Miroku got the ladies: indifference
I'm guessing Izumo has something to do with this. he seems to know a lot and at times creepy about it (sacrificing four souls, one of each)
not sure I get it. He's already a human during the day during which time he gets the pleasure of holding birds...
Ada was watching InuYasha and I joined while she was watching S2E18. She said she watched two episodes before that (S2E16 and 2E17). The battery ran out. 10:14 PM
Ada watched up to S2E20. I'm going back to watch missed episodes (S2E04-S2E05).
Ada was watching an episode, but I wanted to sync up, so I had us go back to S2E20.
Ada and I finished the second season today.
Today I went to investigate if I missed out on any episodes.
The first possible episode I didn't yet see was Episode 38 / S2E11. For the most part, I would say I don't recognize the episode. However, it feels like she's told her friends about Inuyasha before.
For Episode 39 / S2E12, I also didn't recognize the majority of it. I did recognize some of the later portion of the episode, but that is likely because it was recapped in the following episode.
Meanwhile, I recognized the plot summary of Episodes 40 to 41.
The last episode I watched for the night was Episode 42 / S2E15. At first I recognized clips from the first part and thought I saw the episode already. But upon skipping to the middle, I found that I didn't see the episode yet, so I went back to the beginning of the episode.
20210411: S1E01-S1E06
20210412: S1E07
20210413: S1E08-S1E11
20210417: S1E12-S1E15
20210420: S1E16-S1E21
20210421: S1E22-S1E23
20210422: S1E24-S1E25
20210427: S1E26-S1E27
20210428: S2E01-S2E03 (28 to 30)
20210511: S2E06-S2E10 (33 to 37)*
20210514: S2E13-S2E14 (40 to 41)**
20210518: S2E18-S2E19 (45 to 46)***
20210521: S2E04-S2E05 (31 to 32)
20210523: S2E20-S2E23 (47 to 50)
20210526: S2E24-S2E27 (51 to 54)
20210809: S2E11-S2E12, S2E15 (38 to 39, 42)
20210910: started S2E16 (43)
20210913: finished S2E16, S2E17-S2E18 (43 to 45)
20230331: started S3E01 (55)
20230401: finished S3E01, S3E02 (55 to 56)
20230403: started S3E03 (57)
20230404: finished S3E03 (57)
unknown: S3E04 (58)
20230410: S3E05 (59)
20230421: started S3E06 (60)
20230422: finished S3E06, started S3E07 (60 to 61)
20230423: finished S3E07, S3E08-S3E09 (61 to 63)
20230428: S3E10 (64)
20230429: S3E11 (65)
20230430: S3E12 (66)
20230501: S3E13, started S3E14 (67 to 68)
20230504: finished S3E14, S3E15-S3E18 (68 to 72)
20230505: S3E19-S3E21 (73 to 75)
20230506: S3E22-S3E23 (76 to 77)
20230508: S3E24 (78)
20230510: S3E25-S3E26 (79 to 80)
20230523: S3E27-S3E28 (81 to 82)
*The note I sent and the Netflix history don't align. I've encountered situations where I type in the next episode number but didn't watch the episode yet. In this case I would just have to give the benefit of the doubt to the note. Ruling: S2E10 was seen on 20210511.
**The Netflix history for 20210514 records S2E11-S2E15 (38 to 42). But I later determined I only watched episodes 40 to 41 (with Ada watching episodes 38 to 39 without me).
***The Netflix history for 20210518 records S2E16-S2E19 (43 to 46). According to my notes, it's likely that I haven't seen episodes 43 and 44 (S2E16 and S2E17, respectively). In 202109, I confirmed not having seen episodes 43 and 44. I also confirmed that I already saw episode 45.
Episode 31 / S2E04:
1: before they started talking, I thought about how Myoga is a wealth of information that we almost don't question. but in reality it's curious where he learns so much and often times conveniently divulges the info at the last minute.
1: haha scared of a worm but not of Jinenji... does seem peculiar.
1: hmm interesting ending with Inuyasha s feelings on being alone - it's not too far from how many of my foreign student colleagues felt or feel. I suppose even I felt like that at times. perhaps every person can feel alone in their own ways from time to time. for me, I often felt like different groups enjoyed hanging out with me, but seldom did I hang out with just one group compared to others and I had wondered if I was alone, this was at my first high school. but by the end of the second high school I definitely had more of a one group situation 5:05 PM
Episode 33 / S2E06:
1: Outcome is that Naraku is a half-demon.
Episode 35 / S2E08:
1: "you compelled me to save a human life today"
Episode 38 / S2E11
1: Haha. "I can't tell ya, it's a man-to-man promise."
1: Chuckle. Sorry for breaking the alarm clock.
Episode 42 / S2E15
1: "The arrow is made out of soul."
Episode 43 / S2E16
1b: I don't remember why I didn't finish the episode. Probably fell asleep. Resumed before kids hiding in the haystack
1a=20210910, 1b=20210913
Episode 44 / S2E17
1: I don't understand. Inuyasha never had the Tetsusaiga before, but was fine. [JP: Tessaiga, EN: Tetsusaiga]
Episode 45 / S2E18
A: Everytime I watch Kagura fly away spinning, I just can't help how ridiculous it looks.
Episode 48 / S2E21
1: I thought they would both enter the well.
1: interesting story by her mom.
1: I wondered if her grandfather is through her mom or her dad. 10:20 PM
1a: Started but got sleepy
1b: Resumed today back where Shippo gets the three boys to leave the girl alone
1a=20230331, 1b=20230401
1: he touched this girl's butt
1: hehe robbed
1: ha! everything was going great until he fondled her butt
1a: 100!?! She's gotta be dreaming
1b: Freaky. He turned to stone. [in the next episode preview, Kagome narrates and describes the enemy's power as "creepy"]
1a=20230403,1b=20230404 AM
1: Hehe. So much stuff.
1: Why were they so impatient? Couldn't they have stuck around and learned about techniques?
1: I almost thought he learned his lesson about the butt touching.
1a: Watched the intro (~5 minutes)
1b: Smile. The one student who enjoys classes.
1b: Leave her textbooks behind!?!
1b: This is the same woman who tried to meddle with Kikyo and Inuyasha a long time ago? [yes]
1b: Oh that's right, Kikyo is still a separate entity now
1a=20230421, 1b=20230422
1a: Hmm. But this situation is different. Kagome is visibly fighting control. Whereas in the other situation, Inuyasha was led to believe that Kikyo made the choice.
1a: "You didn't shoot that arrow. Don't worry about it." - Inuyasha
1a: Holy. She could do that? She just disappeared. "Heed my words, it is no idle threat."
1a: Speaking of which, Kikyo didn't ask further. Does she already know what the priestess did many years ago?
1a: Huh. The priestess isn't afraid of Kikyo's warning.
1b: Resume where Inuyasha has used the claw attack against the demon. The priestess repeats the warning for him not to use his sword. Though thinking about it, why does she care if he draws his sword and Kagome dies? To me, if Kagome dies, the priestess is suddenly defenseless against Inuyasha. Thus the preistess would really not want Kagome to die, only to force the handicap onto Inuyasha by holding Kagome hostage.
1a=20230422, 1b=20230423
1: Why aren't Sango and Miroku fighting?
1: Huh. I don't remember this attack. "Blades of Blood"
1: Oh that was Shippo and Kaede
1: "This is a world of your making. Tell me who you are." [earlier she said, "Are you me?"]
1: LOL. Again!?! These priestess just didn't know when to quit.
1: Huh. She already had the shikon jewel and couldn't do much with it. What else does she expect to do with it? Speaking of which, earlier enemies have just had shards of it and seemed to have posed more trouble than this.
1: I don't always watch the openings. But this opening looks new.
1: Okay, nice. Kagura basically said to this priestess what I had commented in the last episode: the priestess already had the shikon jewel in her possession and failed to win (with that being said, technically the same can be said of Naraku)
1: Hehe. They were able to categorize the majority of them: demon, monk, demon slayer, and despite Kagome's modern clothing, they figure she's a priestess. But for some reason (perhaps just for laughs) they lumped Kaede in with the Inuyasha and Shippo as a demon.
1: Giant chibi Inuyasha and Kagome
1: More butt rubbing...
1: Why is it called the forbidden tower of many treasures if it contains a powerful demon?
1: English audio: "He broke through that barrier?" English subtitle: "He's so reckless."
1: so greedy. she had the power for eternal life and she decides she has to kill inuyasha and his group for who knows why
1: that backlash move is very powerful... what demon would be able to counter it? in theory, the more powerful demon would suffer more from backlash wave...
1: huh so they never learned the story of what happened so long ago...
1: hehe silly side story of myoga running from shoga. but its kind of ignored how shoga amazingly has power to possess people
1: in the extra it says that she is a flea demon and she can possess anything she sucks blood from
1: I had fallen asleep trying to watch this and rewatched from 9 min mark or so
1: hehe Inuyasha jealous and perhaps rightly as Kagome is kind of nice to Koga
1: hmm Sesshomaru isn't tempted
1: Kagura is upset at sesshomaru but... it truly is her own weakness and essentjally what Sesshomaru said isn't wrong
1: lol how could she with two shards go against nuraku with an almost full shard even though he may be temporarily weak
1: oh no Inuyasha revealed his weakness... possibly [oh there's some ambiguity][a scene later and Kagura figures it out]
1b: resume where they get Kirara trapped by catnip.
1b: lol Inuyasha figures three more hits will change back, and it works
1b: hehe Shippo and this girl are equally matched
1b: Kagome thinks Soten is a boy, but Soten clarifies and says she's a girl. for some reason Shippo decides to stop fighting due to this realization
S3E15 S3E16 S3E17 S3E18
1: I had taken notes but must have taken them inside the browser and forgot to save them. In short, it seems like Inuyasha and Naraku are just about evenly matched with neither being able to defeat the other. But between the two, Naraku is the one to always gloat about his power. Various things I recall writing include the following:
- power creep. as Naraku gains power, Inuyasha gains power
- Kikiyo senses that Naraku was watching her, but how is he able to do that, and why doesn't he just do that with Muso?
- Naraku mocks Inuyasha for using his brain
- Inuyasha figures that Naraku got weaker without his having Muso as part of him
1: I liked this two-episode story with Shiori
1: So many barriers in the show now...
1: Ha! It looked like Miroku stood up because he was upset, but he went to ask a servant/maid to bear his child
1: Miroku is inspecting the marks. At first I'm thinking the lord would be a demon, but then it'd be unlikely that he'd hire Sango to eliminate himself.
1: Of course (Miroku places his hand on Sango's butt)
1: I figure, despite how it might seem to Inuyasha, I'm guessing Sesshomaru would use his healing blade.
1: Hmm... Naraku being able to escape without any sign better have a good explanation. Otherwise it just seems like a deus ex machina. Just when Inuyasha seems to have Naraku beat, he reveals a mysterious ability to vanish undetected by all. If he had this ability to be undetected, why didn't he do it before?
1: Inuyasha saves a little girl, brings Kagome lunch, and has a good night rest; mildly eventful, yet charming episode
Hehe. Fighting hair.
Hehe. Ayame identifies it: "could this be an unrequited love?"
what does he mean "freed from Naraku"?
huh are lunar rainbows possible? [yes]
hehe he remembers now
ha! "unlike some other guy he's not a two-timer"
hehe. Shippo just says everyone feels uneasy in a fact-of-the-matter kind of way
50% chance the princess is a demon or somehow tied to the events
hehe identified as an illusion
we are shown the princess gives them a look
why wouldn't they just go to meet the lord if that's already the source of the problem
hehe. predictable. well to be fair I only gave it a 50% chance.
smile. "After all I'm the stronger one."
Hehe. "Save us, Dog God."
Hehe. A second rock.
Hehe. Shippo's style matches that of the monkeys making for an equal fight
Seems like such a powerful spell. Why wouldn't more characters learn such spells that can't be broken...
hehe. she actually has a cold
gathered so much ingredients for Kagome
awww... "school seems like so much fun"
unlike many of the demon fighting episodes which feel like filler, this episode actually has substance and is interesting to watch
Kagome willing to drink it cause Inuyasha made it... even though it probably tasted super disgusting
aww... his mother. I guess... similar to me. whenever I or my wife get sick, I make remedies based on what my mom used to do for me
his mother again....
smile. Kagome sees Sota practicing say "I love you" to Inuyasha. her reaction
hehe. all four "Banzai!"
hehe. Kagome and Inuyasha look at each other.
hehe. "evil spirit begone with you"
why do the woman love him?
haha. "pick someone important"
hehe it is revealed why Hachi impersonating Miroku got the ladies: indifference
I'm guessing Izumo has something to do with this. he seems to know a lot and at times creepy about it (sacrificing four souls, one of each)
not sure I get it. He's already a human during the day during which time he gets the pleasure of holding birds...
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