The Bad Guys (2022)

Today I made sure to finish watching this movie before it leaves Netflix.
Instant Comments:
1a: Paused when Wolf is dressed as an old lady being helped across the street and gets hit (~35 minute mark)
1b: 34 minute mark (Piranha is helping Wolf cross the street) is where the film was at, but I took it back ~1 minute (snake to offer the shark a push pop)
1b: Hehe she picks off his ring
1b: The art is an interesting blend of 3D and some sort of 2D or perhaps cel shading.
1b: Aww. So cute. (He rescues the kitty)
1b: He gets a little tingle
1b: Huh. I thought Snake would have just gotten suspicious and somehow crack a plan behind Wolf's back. But he actually talks it through with Wolf
1b: I love how they're still wearing the costumes which Marmalade gave them
1b: "I was hoping you were going to ask me to dance." I wonder... if she [Diane] is actually going to lift the award... It would seem like the typical twist
1b: Wow. He does the right thing but still framed somehow.
1b: Oh wow. As Marmalade starts coming out, then it's clear that it would be him
1b: Smile. She shushes the guard.
1b: LOL. The shoe.
1b: "The Crimson Paw." So I wasn't entirely wrong.
1b: "One thing left ot steal." And the rest of her story. So in fact I wasn't entirely wrong even more
1b: Lol. All the wagging.
1b: Hehe. Wolf fell for the trap even after Diane told him
1b: Haha. Piranha says "I want to go on a girls' trip."
1b: Why didn't Marmalade resume control of the hamsters when the Bad Guys were trying to regain control of the trucks?
1b: Hehe. "The ol' switcheroo." [it seems like an unsatisfying con... I feel like a good con would somehow destroy the metoeorite and get them free; perhaps they will still be freed somehow...]
1b: Smile. That one push pop.
1b: Hmm. Released after a year for good behavior...
1a=20230310, 1b=20230822
Watched first third 20230310, remaining two-thirds 20230822 (Netflix, Instant)(Last day to watch 20230831)
The Bad Guys (2022) Pierre Perifel. 100 min

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