The LEGO Movie (2014)

This was a fun action, comedy movie. 10:10PM PT

[20150101 Assumed Post Date][20180722]

Instant Comments:
1: Giant sausages!
1: "Come with me if you want to not die." - Lucy to Emmet
1: "That's literally the dumbest thing I ever heard." "Please, Wyldstyle, let me handle this. That idea is just the worst."
1: First try. 10:10PM PT
Instant Comments:
2a: ha! overpriced coffee
2a: haha. that falling and getting hit was funny. well I laughed but not my kids
2a: hehe "dont touch strange pieces"
2a: chuckle. good cop bad cop
2a: haha! dj name
2a: favorite song? everything is awesome
2a: hahaha. when it's revealed what the kragle is.
2a: smile. the Po'lish remover of Na'il
2a: haha! are you a dj?
2a: pause after the pirate came in
2b: haha. one of the items in his followup speech
2b: smile. various negatives that seem they are going somewhere
2b: hahahaha invisible jet gets blown up
2b: probably double devker couch (the wizard says he should do what is inique to him)
2b: hehe the couch survived
2b: oh... dangling legs is a non issue because lego people dont have dangling legs
2b: his observation that they don't follow instruction is an idea... what allows him to have an idea
2b: smile. first try
2b: oh is the piece de resistence just the cap of the crazy glue?
2b: i dont want to sing this skng. and then she suddenly breaks out.
2b: oh yeah its tbe cap (after they take off the aluminum disguise)
2b: hahaha "be ye disabling of yon shield"
2b: huh hiw does he block all shots if he's blind?
2b: hahahahaha freedom friday but still onba tuesday
2b: haha "SPACESHIP c
2b: hahaha 8-14. "That's a suggestion"
2b: slightly teary eyed when Emmet goes back and starts seeing the numbers
2b: haha "were from planet duplo we're here to destroy you"
2a=20240827, 2b=20240831
Watched 20150101
Watched first half 20240827, second half 20240831
The LEGO Movie (2014) Phil Lord, Christopher Miller. 100 min

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The LEGO Movie (
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