Life of Pi (2012)

I definitely liked this movie. Other movies I'm reminded of after watching this movie are Pan's Labyrinth (2006), Finding Neverland (2004), The Chronicles of Narnia: The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (2005), and Bridge to Terabithia (2007).

Pi Patel (Suraj Sharma)

Overall this movie was solid and did a great job of immersing me into an alternate reality, similar to the other movies I mentioned. With that being said, I intuitively like Pan's Labyrinth and Finding Neverland more than Life of Pi. Likewise, for unknown reasons, I like Life of Pi more than Pan's Labyrinth and Narnia.

Analyzing the rough order in which I ranked the five movies (Pan's Labyrinth outranking Finding Neverland), perhaps I merely ranked the darker and more dramatic movies higher. On that note, I find the overall story of this movie to be appreciated by an audience whose minimum age is older than the minimum age needed to appreciate both The Chronicles of Narnia and Bridge to Terabithia.

Richard Parker

In the end, if you like any of the above movies, then you should consider seeing any of the others. If you have any reservations, then I recommend you see Life of Pi, Finding Neverland, and/or Pan's Labyrinth.

Magical Scene: Jellyfish.

Trailers: Oz: The Great and Powerful (2013) | Les Miserables (2012) | The Hobbit (2012) | Despicable Me 2 (2013)


Adult Pi Patel (Irrfan Khan)

I watched this movie with my wife today, because she wanted to watch it. After we started the film, she remembered seeing parts of it before, but she didn't remember when or where.

Despite not having seen the movie in over six years, I still had remembered the story's big reveal. While this altered how I watched a portion of the film, I learned during the story's big reveal that I had remembered the reveal incorrectly. I thought the cook was the tiger, but the cook was the hyena and Pi was the tiger.


Richard Parker and Pi

Instant Comments:
I like the background art in the credits.

Released 20121121.
Watched 20121202 Theater. Landmark's Harbor East [LIFE OF PI] 9:45 PM $12.00
Watched 20190317 DVD.
Life of Pi (2012) Ang Lee. 127 min [botnotsn (2001) by Yann Martel]

Pi (right) telling his story to the Writer (Rafe Spall).

Relevant Links:
Life of Pi (
Life of Pi (film) (
Life of Pi (

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